Section 8 real estate is a tough business. Many people think that you have to be cut throat to make money in the Section 8 space. Is that true? HoltonWise CEO, James Wise has had an incredibly successful career investing in Section 8 rental properties. What's it like to work with the James Wise?
The Guru's like to tell you that quitting your job to become a passive real estate investor is easy. The Guru's like to preach that anyone can fire their boss and live off of the cash flow from their rental properties the day they start investing. Rent To Retirement CEO Zach Lemaster says not so fast. Getting rich through real estate takes time. Building up a rental portfolio that produces enough cash flow to live off of is going to take a lot of appreciation and rent growth over time. This is why investing in growth markets like Atlanta, Georgia is so crucial for an investor's long term success.
The Section 8 housing in Brooklyn, New York is savage. The Section 8 tenants live like animals. The Section 8 landlords are just as savage. If you want to make money as a Section 8 investor in the Brooklyn housing market, you're going to need learn how to survive in such a cut throat business. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how you can make a fortune investing in Section 8 rental properties in Brooklyn, New York.
If you're going to piss of a landlord, don't do it in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Landlords in Philly are known to go above and beyond the normal eviction process when you stiff them on rent. Be smart, pay and your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord.
Why can't the Section 8 tenants in Oakland clean their houses? Why do these savages live like this? They are on Section 8, they aren't going to work like the rest of us. Why can't they take the time to clean up after themselves? You're in for a nightmare if you're going to invest in Section 8 rental properties in Oakland, California.
Why can't the Section 8 tenants in Brooklyn clean their houses? Why do these savages live like this? They are on Section 8, they aren't going to work like the rest of us. Why can't they take the time to clean up after themselves? You're in for a rough ride if you're going to invest in Section 8 rental properties in Brooklyn, New York.
Why can't the Section 8 tenants in Philadelphia clean their houses? Why do these savages live like this? They are on Section 8, they aren't going to work like the rest of us. Why can't they take the time to clean up after themselves? You're in for a rough ride if you're going to invest in Section 8 rental properties in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Why can't the Section 8 tenants in Philadelphia clean their homes? Why do these savages live like animals? They are on Section 8, they aren't going to their job like the rest of us. Why can't they take the time to clean up after themselves? You're in for a rough ride if you're going to invest in Section 8 rental properties in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The two most unavoidable things in this world are death and taxes. However, when it comes to rental real estate investing, Rent To Retirement CEO Zach Lemaster explains that the taxes on the appreciation of your real estate portfolio isn't as unavoidable as you may think.
If you're going to try to buy a house in Akron, Ohio for pennies on the dollar, you're going to need to know the right way to approach the seller. As you can imagine, most property owners don't like selling their houses for less than they are worth. Most property owners don't want to sell their house for a cheap price. Most property owners don't want to let their house go for less than market value. When a property owner puts their house up for sale, they don't want to hear from buyers who are making low ball offers. However, if you wait until a seller has been on the market for awhile, you'll see that they start losing confidence in their ability to sell their home. Right after they lower their price is when you want to begin negotiating your deeply discounted offer. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more tips on investing in the Akron real estate market.
Is there something in the water in New Jersey? They say you can make a ton of money investing in Section 8 rental properties in New Jersey, but why do the Section 8 tenants in New Jersey live like animals? They don't have jobs, why don't they have the time to clean their houses? Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to survive being a Section 8 landlord in New Jersey.
Enough with the victim mentality mindset. The landlord isn't the bad guy on eviction day. The tenant is the one who has been stealing for months on end. The tenant is the bad guy. If you do not understand this, you are an idiot. When the landlord shows up to the tenant's house with the Cops on eviction day, that tenant has already stolen so much money from that property owner it's disgusting. Nobody wants to hear that thieving tenant cry that they are being taken advantage of by their evil landlord. Pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord and you won't get evicted.
You don't have to break the bank on every rent ready renovation. Sometimes a quick, easy, and affordable unit turnover renovation is the best way to go. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to follow along with OzRealty Property Management owner Engelo Rumora as he shows you how he gets his rental properties renovated in Toledo, Ohio.
Is there something in the water in Baltimore? Why do the Section 8 tenants in Baltimore live like animals? They don't have jobs, why don't they have the time to clean their houses? Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to survive being a Section 8 landlord in Baltimore, Maryland.
When a tenant asks you to help them out because their last apartment had bed bugs, don't do it. Do not give them a new house. Do not rent anything to them, even if they have cash in hand. Never ever rent to a tenant who is complaining that their last house had bed bugs. Their last home having bed bugs means your property is going to be the next one infested with bed bugs. Don't fall for their sob story. Be smart, keep the bed bugs out of your apartment building. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more Section 8 tenant screening tips.
If you are investing in the low income areas of Memphis, you need to use the Section 8 program. Without the Section 8 program you'll be spending all of your time chasing deadbeat tenants down for the rent payment. The constant evictions and unit turnover repairs will eat up all of your profit and your dreams of becoming a real estate millionaire will be over. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about making money investing in Section 8 housing in the Memphis real estate market.
Which city has the worst Section 8 tenants in the world? Does Detroit, Michigan have the worst Section 8 tenants out there? Is there a city with worse Section 8 renters than Detroit? If so, where is it?
Investing in real estate is a great way to make money, but that doesn't mean there isn't risk. Whenever you invest your money, it's always going to be at risk. Don't invest any money that you can't afford to lose. There are no guarantees in real estate. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more of Engelo Rumora's tips on real estate investing in Toledo, Ohio.
Do you want a bigger Penis? Invest in Section 8 rental properties. It's widely known that landlords have the biggest dongs in the world.
Which city has the worst Section 8 tenants in the world? Does Baltimore, Maryland have the worst Section 8 tenants out there? Is there a city with worse Section 8 renters than Baltimore? If so, where is it?
Which city has the worst Section 8 tenants in the world? Does Philadelphia, Pennsylvania have the worst Section 8 tenants out there? Is there a city with worse Section 8 renters than Philly? If so, where is it?
If you do an inspection at one of your properties and see that there is an unauthorized pet there, don't believe your tenant when they tell you they are just dog sitting. Your tenant is never just watching their friend's dog. It's always your tenant's dog. Your tenant lying to you about their unauthorized dog is a major red flag. If they are lying to you about this dog and breaking this rule, what else are they lying to you about? What other terms of the lease are they violating? Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more tenant red flags like this.
A big red flag during the tenant screening process is tenants talking badly about their previous landlord. When tenants tell you a story about their last landlord being a jerk, they are often lying right to your face. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more tenant screening tips.
When you run the numbers on a property, run the worst case scenario. If the deal works for you with the worst case scenario in mind, pull the trigger. If it doesn't, don't. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more of Engelo Rumora's tips on real estate investing in Toledo, Ohio.
New landlords always freak out when their tenant's say they are going to call their lawyer. The fear of being sued by a tenant is very common among new landlords. However, being sued by your tenant is not something you should fear as a landlord. Your tenant doesn't have a lawyer. Getting sued by a Section 8 tenant is very unlikely. What is far more likely is your tenant trashing your house. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in Section 8 properties.
Investing in Section 8 properties is very lucrative. It's even more lucrative if you can buy your Section 8 properties using seller financing. Imagine how much better your personal finance situation would be if you bought a $60,000 house with a seller financed mortgage and made over $80,000 in gross profit. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about buying Section 8 properties using seller financing.
Why in the world would somebody move their family from Australia to Toledo, Ohio? To buy $hitty houses like this one. Engelo Rumora immigrated from Australia and began building a real estate empire with distressed houses like this one in Toledo, Ohio.
When looking at their rental property proforma, most new investors forget about the fact that the rent will rise at a much higher pace than their expenses. When you lock in a mortgage for 30 years, your payments will remain the same while your rental income is going to go up every single year. As an example, Rent To Retirement Sales Manager Adam Schroeder is seeing an annual increase of about $1,200 per property in the Huntsville, Alabama and Birmingham, Alabama housing markets.
Not every neighborhood in the Toledo real estate market is good for investors. Some parts of Toledo are in such bad shape that owning a rental property there won't make you any money even if you got it for free. Sounds pretty crazy that a Toledo landlord would give away their houses for free, but it does happen more than you would think. In fact, Engelo Rumora has been offered 10 free houses over the course of his career investing in Toledo, Ohio.
HotlonWise is your number 1 resource for seller financed deals in the Cleveland real estate market. At HoltonWise we can provide you access to seller financed houses and apartment buildings. Don't let not being able to qualify for a bank mortgage be a road block to your investing career. Get seller financing from HoltonWise today.
Long distance real estate investing in great for investors who live in expensive markets like Los Angeles. However, just because you've found a bunch of markets that are much cheaper than Los Angeles, it doesn't mean you should just jump in and buy up of bunch of properties without doing your due diligence. Investing in California is much different than investing out of state. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to get started in out of state investing.
If you've noticed that all of the houses on the market in New Jersey are overpriced, you're not alone. However, it's not the Realtors in New Jersey who are doing this. Many investors see an overpriced property on the market and think that the Real Estate Agent is the one who is driving up the prices. More times than not, this isn't the case. Typically it's the New Jersey home sellers who are forcing their Realtors to price the properties higher than they should be. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in the New Jersey real estate market.
If you're just getting started in real estate investing in Philly, you're going to want to start with a 4 unit apartment building. Buying a 4 unit apartment building is the best way to get started in Philadelphia real estate. The reason a fourplex apartment building is the best way for new investors to get into the Philly rental property business is because of the types of loans available for this type of investment property are so much better than the types of loans available for other types of rental properties. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in real estate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Fair housing discrimination complaints are not something you want to mess around with. You definitely don't want to catch a fair housing complaint during the eviction process. Professional tenants will try to use a fair housing complaint as a way to delay an otherwise legal eviction. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about the eviction process you need to follow to evict tenants quickly and legally.
Some people think the Toledo real estate market sucks. Not Engelo Rumora though. Engelo Rumora loves buying properties for pennies on the dollar. In fact, Engelo Rumora liked the numbers in the Toledo housing market so much, he immigrated from Australia to create a real estate investing empire in Toledo, Ohio.
If real estate tax deductions are one of your primary goals for buying a new construction home, make sure you plan accordingly. Rent To Retirement Sales Manager Adam Schroeder discusses how many real estate investors run into scheduling problems when plan to do a new construction project that has a completion scheduled for the end of the year. When you are builder is building a home for you, these completion dates are somewhat of a moving target and you'll need to have your CPA plan accordingly so that you can properly maximize all of the tax benefits that come along with investing in a new construction home.
The real estate market in 2025 is a lot tougher than in years past. Housing prices are through the roof these days. However, there are still some very cheap markets out there. Engelo Rumora explains why one of the best markets for investors in 2025 is Toledo, Ohio.
School will never teach you how to get rich. School will never teach you how to become indecently wealthy. All school will ever do is teach you how to become a worker bee. If you want to create real wealth for you and your family you need to learn how to begin investing your money. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to invest your money in the housing market.