There are a lot of people leaving California because they are looking for more affordable housing to invest in. Investing in affordable housing is a great way to make money in real estate, if you don't try to make money buying affordable housing in the state of California. Trying to make money as a landlord in California is something many Californian landlords consider to be impossible. In the 1,450th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an investor from Sacramento, California make a ton of money investing in out of state real estate, in northeast Ohio. Ohio is a great market for those leaving California for more affordable real estate markets with much more landlord friendly housing policies. The particular rental property James Wise is going over for his client to start his Ohio real estate business as a long distance landlord is location in Elyria, Ohio. Elyria, Ohio is on the west end of the Cleveland real estate market. James Wise thinks landlords can make a ton of money managing rental properties in places like Elyria, Ohio. Elyria is very landlord friendly and even though it sits right on the lake, it provides rental property buyers with a huge bang for their buck with it's incredibly affordable rental housing. If you are one of those California landlords who is wondering how to get money to buy rental property when it's so darn expensive, perhaps you should look into investing in affordable real estate markets like the Cleveland market in affordable cities like Elyria, Ohio. If you want to learn how to get rich with rental properties, tune in to HoltonWiseTV today. HoltonWiseTV is getting rich with real estate made easy.
If you can make it in New York City, you can make it anywhere. When it comes to investing in rental properties, there isn't a good reason to buy them in New York City. New York is a terrible real estate market for landlords. New York has an incredibly high acquisition cost as well as an incredibly liberal set of landlord tenant laws and policies like rent control. Because of all of this, many believe that the best way for a New Yorker to get started in real estate is to invest in out of state real estate. During the 1,446th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, long distance real estate investing expert James Wise is showing New Yorkers how to invest in the Cleveland real estate market with only $25,000. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV if you'd like to get your money out of NYC and into more landlord friendly markets like Cleveland, Ohio.
Starting a rental property business in Clermont, Florida is a great way to earn a living. The thing is, it's very difficult to get started in real estate in Clermont, Florida without a lot of money. Luckily for you, you've found HoltonWiseTV. Here at HoltonWise we specialize in helping new real estate investors from Florida invest in dirt cheap real estate out of state. In the 1,445th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investment expert James Wise is helping a man from Clermont, Florida buy his first rental property without a lot of money. In fact, if everything goes as planned, this out of state duplex is only going to cost this Clermont landlord $25,000 out of his pocket. If you are interested in turnkey real estate investing, or long distance landholding in general, tune in to HoltonWiseTV today. HoltonWiseTV is here to help you learn how to get started in real estate without a lot of money.
There is an epidemic of investors from Los Angeles, California getting scammed in Cleveland, Ohio. If you are an out of state investors from Los Angeles, you need to pay attention to the 1,444th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, Cleveland real estate investing expert James Wise is showing you how to avoid getting scammed when you buy Cleveland real estate from out of state.
Many people are leaving California in favor of turnkey real estate investing in the Cleveland real estate market. The reason why so many California landlords are fleeing California in favor of turnkey real estate in places like Cleveland, is simple, price. California housing is not affordable for many Californians who want to build a rental property portfolio. As such, these California investors are buying up rental properties in the Cleveland market for pennies on the dollar. In the 1,442nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate broker James Wise is helping Tim & Tina get started in multifamily property investing in the Cleveland area. Tim & Tina are living in Garden Grove, California so they are unable to find any rental properties that they can afford. So instead of saving up for decades to try and break into the Garden Grove real estate market with rental properties they want James Wise to help them start their multi family rental portfolio in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Not only does James Wise provide Tim & Tina with a full run down on a turnkey duplex in a Cleveland suburb called Elyria, Ohio James Wise also breaks down what is practical and not practical in the Cleveland market. If you are an out of state investor looking to invest in rental properties in affordable markets like Cleveland, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is turnkey rental properties made easy.
Believe it or not, investing in vacation rental properties in Cleveland, Ohio might make you more money than investing in vacation rentals in Florida. I sounds completely crazy to think there is a better vacation market in Cleveland than there is in Florida, but it's not about the best place to take a vacation, it's about the cash flow numbers. During the 1,441st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, real estate investing expert James Wise showing investors from Florida why the government tax incentives in Cleveland, Ohio make investing in rental properties in Cleveland, Ohio incredibly profitable.
If you are just getting started in house flipping you may have noticed that flipping houses is a tough business. There are a lot things involved in the house flipping business that make getting started with fix and flips very difficult for newbie investors. How does a new house flipper find deals that are cheap enough to fix and flip? How does a new house flipper estimate repairs for their house flip? How does a new house flipper estimate the after repair value (ARV) of their house flip? How does a new house flipper manage contractors to make sure the renovation is done correctly on their house flip? How does a new house flipper manage contractors to make sure the renovation is done on time on their house flip? How does a new house flipper market the property properly so they can sell their house flip for the highest price possible to maximize their return on investment (ROI). How does a new house flipper determine what repairs will get the best bang for their buck on their house flip? How does a new house flipper determine what repairs are unnecessary to sell their house flip at the highest return on investment (ROI)? On top of all these house flipping hurdles new home flippers need to overcome, what does a new house flipper do if they don't have enough money to start flipping homes in their market? Perhaps it makes sense for some house flippers to start flipping houses out of state in real estate markets that are cheaper than where they live so that they can afford to flip homes. In the 1,438th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, experienced house flipper James Wise is showing a brand new real estate investor named Mike how he can partner with HoltonWise to flip houses in the Cleveland real estate market. James Wise goes over house flipping for beginners while providing a full house flip analysis on a house flip in a Cleveland suburb called Middleburg Heights, Ohio. James Wise breaks down how the house flip will work with Mike partnering with HoltonWise to have HoltonWise manage the flip. James Wise also breaks down how to figure out what the seller's pain points are to determine how motivated the seller is to sell their house below fair market value. If you are interested in flipping houses in the Cleveland, Ohio area tune in to HoltonWiseTV today. HoltonWise is here to help Cleveland house flippers maximize profits while flipping houses in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
If you are getting involved in out of state real estate investing in the Cleveland real estate market, you'll want to pay attention to The 1,437th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, Cleveland real estate investing expert James Wise is helping a couple of investors from Los Angeles, California avoid making mistakes with BRRRR method real estate in Cleveland, Ohio. If you are new to BRRRR investing, or investing in Cleveland in general, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for all things Cleveland real estate.
For a lot of investors, especially those investors from expensive markets like the Los Angeles real estate market, those $1 dollar houses in Cleveland and Detroit sound like too good of a money making opportunity to pass up. After all, if you're buying a house in Detroit or Cleveland for only $1 dollar, how can you possibly lose money? Not so fast folks. During the 1,436th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Cleveland landlord James Wise is discussing the truth about those $1 dollar houses in Cleveland and Detroit. If you are interested in investing in cheap housing, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. Nobody provides real estate investors with information on cheap houses in places like Cleveland and Detroit than HoltonWiseTV.
If you are just getting started in real estate investing, you have probably been looking for the best cash flow rental markets in the USA. During your search of the best rental property market in the United States, you've likely came across the Cleveland real estate market. Real estate investing in Cleveland, Ohio is very popular with real estate investors from all over the world due to the low costs and high price to rent ratios offered with Cleveland, Ohio real estate. All of this doesn't mean buying your first rental property in Cleveland is guaranteed to be a good investment. Investing in Cleveland real estate can be risky if you are unfamiliar with the Cleveland real estate market. In fact, many out of state investors lose a lot of money investing in Cleveland real estate. There are many people who run scams on out of state investors who don't know much about the Cleveland, Ohio area. In the 1,435th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise helping two investors from Los Angeles avoid falling victim to a Cleveland real estate scam. If you are looking to start investing in Cleveland real estate, make sure you subscribe to HoltonWiseTV so you can learn about the Cleveland housing market and avoid getting ripped off by unscrupulous Cleveland property sellers who target out of state investors.
Becoming a Section 8 landlord in a place like Cleveland, Ohio is very appealing to a lot of out of state investors. This is especially true for out of state landlords who live in expensive real estate markets like Los Angeles, California. However, becoming a Section 8 landlord in the Cleveland real estate market can be very risky for long distance real estate owners if they buy the wrong properties. In the 1,434th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Cleveland real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Los Angeles landlords Andrew & Gary get started in Cleveland real estate. These two LA investors are considering buying a Cleveland triplex, however James Wise believes that investing in this Cleveland apartment building would be a bad investment for them. If you are interested in buying rental properties in the Cleveland housing market, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is Cleveland turnkey real estate made easy.
Buying turnkey rental properties in the Cleveland market is very popular with out of state investors from expensive real estate markets like California, New York, New Jersey and Texas. Home buyers in these expensive markets are often shocked at just how cheap Cleveland rental properties can be. It fees like these out of state landlords are able to buy Cleveland houses for pennies on the dollar. The thing is, just because it's cheap don't mean it's a good deal. Trying to compare cheap housing in Cleveland to cheap housing in other markets is like comparing apples to oranges. In the 1,433rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Cleveland landlord and turnkey real estate investor James Wise is making sure out of state investors don't get taken advantage of by overpaying for a multi family property in Cleveland. This property seems like a can't lose deal because it's so cheap compared to their real estate market, but when comparing it to other properties in the Cleveland market this deal turns out to be an overpriced scam. If you are an out state investor interested in buying property in the Cleveland market, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is here for to help out of state investors make sure they invest their money in good deals and keep their money out of bad deals.
Los Angeles, California is one of the most expensive places in America. As such, many real estate investors from Los Angeles invest in out of state markets so they can get a bigger bang for their buck than if they invested at home in LA. During the 1,431st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping a landlord from Los Angeles run the numbers on a triplex located in Elyria, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about property investing out of state.
Portland, Oregon is one of the most difficult markets for investors. Buying affordable rental properties that cash flow in Portland is very tough. The housing prices in Portland are very expensive. Oftentimes the housing is too expensive for many investors who are just getting started in real estate. On top of Portland real estate being some of the most expensive real estate in the USA, investors in Portland have very little property rights. The landlord tenant laws in Portland are incredibly tenant friendly. Many landlords in Portland think it's impossible to buy cash flow rental properties in the Portland real estate market. During the 1,427th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping an investor get started in out of state investing in a much more affordable landlord friendly real estate market. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are interested in buying houses out of state for cash flow.
If you are living in Sacramento, California and having a hard time getting started real estate, the 1,429th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show is for you. During the show, investor friendly Realtor James Wise is helping a Sacramento landlord named Adam grow his real estate business by leaving Sacramento for more profitable real estate markets. The California housing crisis is making investing in out of state real estate a more investor friendly option for those who can't afford to buy houses in California's sky high economy. Is becoming a long distance landlord something you are interested in? If so, reach out to HoltonWise to begin long distance real estate investing today. HoltonWise specializes in turnkey investment services for Californians. With a portfolio of 1,000's of rental units in the most investor friendly markets in the USA, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground resources and experience to help Californians make more money investing out of state than at home in California.
If you are interested in buying real estate out of state, you're in the right place here on HoltonWiseTV. We specialize in helping people get started in out of state real estate investing here on HoltonWiseTV. Most people who are looking to buy long distance rental properties are looking to do so in the most landlord-friendly real estate markets that are also very affordable. Many of these out of town investors are coming from places like Portland or California where evicting tenants is almost entirely illegal. In the 1,426th episode turnkey real estate expert James Wise is working with an out of state investor named Charles. Charles wants to invest out of state because he lives in a market that is too expensive for his budget. James Wise presents Charles with a triplex that's only going to cost him $31,000 out of pocket in little know town called Elyria, Ohio. Elyria, Ohio is on the outskirts of the Cleveland real estate market, but Elyria, Ohio is actually much more landlord friendly than the city of Cleveland. In addition to Elyria being more landlord friendly than Cleveland Elyria is often more affordable than Cleveland and can deliver out of state rental property owners with a higher return on their investment. If you are a buy and hold investor who is interested in investing out of state for long term cash flow reach out to HoltonWise today. HotlonWise is long term buy and hold investing out of state made easy.
If you've seen a recent Texas real estate market forecast or Texas real estate market update you've probably noticed that the prices of housing in Texas are getting higher and higher. While there are many factors affecting the rising cost of real estate in Texas, many Texas investors believe one of those is the great California exodus. With California landlords leaving California at a record pace, many Californians are buying up real estate in Texas. Despite rising costs of living in Texas, Texas still has a more attractive real estate market for investors than California. Texas also has much more landlord friendly laws than California. This influx of California investors into the Texas housing market is pushing many investors out of Texas. Many Texas landlords are having a harder and harder time finding affordable properties that cash in Texas now that the market is so much more competitive. During the 1,425th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, millionaire real estate investor James Wise is working with one of those Texans to help him adjust his real estate investment strategy and assist him in looking for more affordable real estate markets to buy homes in. If you are living in Texas and are tiring of the CA exodus increasing your rental property acquisition costs, reach out to HoltonWise. HoltonWise specializes in providing turnkey real estate investing services to Texans looking for more attractive rental property markets.
The NYC real estate market is brutal. The cost of housing in New York is too high for most new investors. If you are having trouble getting started in the NYC housing market you'll want to watch the 1,424th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is working with a NYC investor named Kim. Kim is frustrated because she can't afford to get started in real estate even though she feels like she was what it takes to make a lot of money investing in rental properties. Instead of waiting years and years to save up enough money to buy a house in New York, James Wise shows Kim how she can buy much more affordable rental properties in more landlord friendly markets out of state. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you would like to get started in real estate in a more affordable market than the New York real estate market.
Turnkey providers make their money selling rental properties to out of state investors. The bulk of these out of state investors live in places like Portland, Oregon, Denver, Colorado & all of California. During the 1,422nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show turnkey real estate expert James Wise explains why markets like Portland, Denver & Colorado are where turnkey companies market to the most customers. Additionally, James Wise goes over the numbers on a great investment property in a popular turnkey cash flow city called Elyria, Ohio. Tune in to HoltonWiseTv to learn more about long distance real estate investing.
It's no secret that turnkey real estate companies target out of state investors from New York and California. The reason turnkey companies target investors from NY and CA is because these are two of the most expensive real estate markets. In addition to being expensive, these markets are also incredibly tenant friendly. Because of this many turnkey providers work with New York and California investors to help them buy cheaper properties in out of state markets. The thing is, turnkey companies aren't always the most cost effective way to invest out of state. During the 1,421st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is showing investors how they can buy properties for better prices using another real estate investing strategy. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about long distance real estate investing.
US real estate is a lot more affordable than Canadian real estate. Because of this, many Canadians have been investing in US real estate for cash flow. During the 1,420th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show US real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an investor from Toronto, Canada put together a deal on an affordable rental property in Elyria, Ohio. If you are a Canadian who is interested in learning more about investing in the US real estate market, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today.
Stevensville Maryland, lemme talk to you about investing in real estate because the rent is due! Whether you are an existing Stevensville landlord, or you are just trying to get started in real estate investing in Stevensville Maryland, you're going to want to hear what we've got for you on the 1,419th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, millionaire investor James Wise is helping investors from the Stevensville market make even more money by investing in cheaper real estate in more landlord friendly markets, like Ohio. Ya see, rental properties in the Stevensville area are great, but they are expensive. If you don't have a lot of money to work with, you may find yourself having a hard time scaling your real estate portfolio in Maryland. Just because you don't have enough money to buy a bunch of rentals in Maryland doesn't mean you can't buy a bunch of cheaper houses somewhere else like Ohio. If you are located in or around Stevensville, Maryland and want to invest in real estate that is cheaper than real estate in the Stevensville area, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise specializes in helping out of state investors from places like Maryland invest in the best real estate markets across the United States. By partnering with HoltonWise you get to become a passive real estate investor without leaving your home in Stevensville while HoltonWise handles all of the boots on the ground work with your out of state real estate business.
If you are a Canadian investing in the Cleveland real estate market, the 1,418th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show is for you. James Wise is showing Canadian investors how they can partner with HoltonWise to invest in Cleveland real estate. When partnering with HoltonWise as your Cleveland boots on the ground property management team, investing in US real estate from Canada is not as difficult as you might think. HoltonWise offers a complete turnkey real estate investment program that helps Canadian investors learn how to buy rental property in the US as well as provides them with full service property management, maintenance, insurance and more. Reach out to HoltonWise is you are a Canadian who is interested in buying income properties in Cleveland, Ohio.
If you live in Sacramento, California should you invest in real estate out of state or locally? Many investors are leaving California in favor of out of state investing because investing in Sacramento is very difficult due to the Sacramento housing market and ultra liberal landlord tenant laws. During the 1,417th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show long distance real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Sacramento landlords learn about investing out of state in Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland market is a very popular destination for turnkey investors looking to buy rental properties out of state. The reason Cleveland is so popular with out of state investors from Sacramento is because the housing in Cleveland is very affordable while the landlord tenant laws are pretty fair. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about turnkey properties in the Cleveland, Ohio area.
If you are a Canadian landlord who is interested in expanding your real estate portfolio into the United States, you're in luck. Here on HoltonWiseTV we specialize in helping Canadian real estate investors build rental property portfolios in the best real estate markets in the USA. In the 1,416th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an investor from Toronto, Canada start a Section 8 investment property portfolio in the Cleveland real estate market. Real estate investing in Cleveland, Ohio is very popular with real estate investors from all over the world due to the low costs and high price to rent ratios offered with Cleveland, Ohio real estate. The thing is, just because it's cheap, doesn't mean it's going to make you money. Investing in Cleveland real estate can be very dangerous for Canadian citizens who don't know the ins and outs in the Cleveland market. James Wise makes sure he goes over the pros and cons of a Cleveland rental property as well as the pros and cons of the Cleveland market in general so Canadian investors have a firm grasp on what buying Cleveland housing is going to look like. If you are a real estate investor from Canada who is interested in buying houses in Cleveland, reach out to HoltonWise today.
There is a right way to sell Cleveland rental properties. There is a wrong way to sell Cleveland rental properties. As a investment buyer's advocate, if there is a Cleveland seller who's making every mistake in the book when trying to sell their rental property, James Wise is here to help Cleveland investors capitalize on those mistakes. During the 1,415th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, you'll see James Wise help an out of state investors take advantage of a seller's mistakes in an effort to put together a great BRRRR deal on a duplex in Cleveland's MetroHealth / Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to properly sell your rental property to make sure you aren't the next Cleveland seller making the same home selling mistakes as this Cleveland homeowner.
State College Pennsylvania, lemme talk to you about investing in real estate. Whether you are an existing State College landlord, or you are just trying to get started in real estate investing in State College PA, you're going to want to hear what we've got for you on the 1,414th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, millionaire investor James Wise is helping investors from the State College market make even more money by investing in cheaper real estate next door in Ohio. Ya see, rental properties in the State College area are great, but they are expensive. If you don't have a lot of money to work with, you may find yourself having a hard time scaling your State College real estate portfolio. Just because you don't have enough money to buy a bunch of rentals in State College doesn't mean you can't buy a bunch of cheaper houses somewhere else. If you are located in or around State College, Pennsylvania and want to invest in real estate that is cheaper than real estate in the State College area, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise specializes in helping out of state investors from places like State College, PA invest in the best real estate markets across the United States. By partnering with HoltonWise you get to become a passive real estate investor without leaving your home in State College while HoltonWise handles all of the boots on the ground work with your out of state real estate empire.
If you live in Sacramento, California and want to learn how to start investing in real estate, you're going to want to pay attention to the 1,413th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show real estate investing expert James Wise is helping a new investor from Sacramento start an out of state real estate investing business with only $20,000.
If you are a Canadian citizen looking to make money investing in the best cash flow properties in the USA you'll want to pay attention to the 1,412nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show American real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Canadian investors like you put together a deal on a cash flow rental property in Elyria, Ohio. Elyria, Ohio is an affordable landlord friendly city that's great for any Canadian looking to make money in the US real estate market.
Back pain & injury are two common issues many truck drivers have to deal with. Couple that with Amazon coming in and having robots deliver goods to customers, being a truck driver for the rest of your life doesn't seem like as good of a career path as it once did. If working hard driving trucks for decades only to have a back injury and an autonomous driving truck ready to take your job sounds like a crappy retirement plan to you, you'll want to pay attention to the 1,411th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show real estate investing expert James Wise is helping a truck driver get started in the real estate investing business so she can set herself and her family up for the future. If you are a truck driver who is looking to start investing in real estate as an alternative to driving truck for the rest of your life, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. HoltonWise specializes in helping people get started in real estate investing while they are still working their full time jobs so they have a diversified investment portfolio when retirement comes around.
If you are living in San Diego, California and want to start investing in real estate, but haven't done so because you can't afford San Diego housing, you're in luck. You do not need to give up on your dream of becoming a real estate investor due to a small real estate budget. There are other options for Californians looking to create passive income through real estate investing. In the 1,408th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, investor friendly real estate agent James Wise is helping a San Diego landlord start investing out of state. Out of state real estate is a great option for those living in San Diego who can't afford to buy in the San Diego, California area. Here at HoltonWise, we specialize in helping out of state investors learn how to make money by buying property out of state. At HoltonWise, we offer a complete set of boots on the ground resources for long distance landlords looking to buy real estate in America's most affordable housing markets.
The Portland housing market is out of control. There is virtually no affordable housing in Portland. Homeownership in Portland is a mess. People who own homes in Portland that they rent out to tenants are having their property ownership rights eroded at a rapid pace by the ultra liberal housing policies in the state of Oregon. One of those Portland landlords who is sick of the nonsense is Elliot. Elliot is an Portland investor who has decided he is not going to buy any more homes in Portland due to the chaos involved in managing rental properties in the Portland real estate market. Elliot has instead decided to invest his money in landlord friendly real estate markets that are much more affordable than the Portland area. In the 1,406th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, landlord housing advocate James Wise is helping Elliot avoid Portland's liberal politics and unaffordable housing by helping him invest in an affordable duplex in the Cleveland real estate market that's only going to cost about $22,000 out of pocket. James Wise provides Elliot with a full rental property analysis as well as an in-depth discussion on the Cleveland Ohio real estate market and why it's so much more landlord friendly than the Portland market. If you are living in Portland and you want to invest in real estate outside of Portland reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise specializes in helping homeowners from Portland Oregon invest in landlord friendly real estate markets from out of state. HoltonWise is able to provide Portland investors with full service property management and turnkey real estate services on the ground in the Cleveland area while the out of state investors are able to earn a passive income without having to leave theirs homes in the Portland area.
Are you having a hard time getting started in real estate investing in Texas? Are you having a hard time finding rental properties in Texas that are both affordable and cash flow positive? Are you thinking about giving up your dreams of becoming a Texas landlord? If you answered yes to any of these questions you're going to want to pay attention to the 1,405th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an investor from Texas find a more affordable real estate market to invest in from out of state so he doesn't have to give up on his dreams of becoming a real estate investor. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about turnkey real estate services for Texans.
If you think it's impossible to buy a rental property in the Ventura, California area for an investment of only $12,000, you're probably right. But, it's not impossible to live in Ventura, CA while spending $12,000 on rental properties across the USA. You may be thinking, how can I manage a rental property in another state if I am living in California? How can I possibly buy a house for $12,000? Who is selling $12,000 houses? How can a $12,000 house make any money? What kind of tenants live in $12,000 houses? Who is going to talk to the tenants? Who is going to fix up the house? Who is going to make repairs to my house? Who will cut the grass? Who will collect the rent? Who will keep an eye on my investment property if I am halfway across the USA? These are all great questions that you should be asking as you consider investing in out of state real estate. Luckily for you, HoltonWise specializes in helping Californians invest in out of state real estate. In the 1,402nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, investor friendly Realtor James Wise is working with a Californian named Jeff who had many of those same questions about investing in properties outside of California. Jeff is a soon to be landlord who is from Ventura, California. However, Jeff cannot afford to buy rental properties in Ventura or anywhere in California for that matter. Instead of saving his money for decades, Jeff has decided to give remote real estate investing a shot. James Wise is going a complete rental property analysis for Jeff on an Ohio rental property that's only going to cost Jeff $12,000. James Wise breaks down the good, bad and the ugly when it comes to buying out of state rental properties in cheap housing markets like this one in Ohio. If you are like Jeff and are considering getting started in long distance real estate investing, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is able to provide you with a complete set of turnkey real estate investment services for all of your long distance real estate investment properties.
If you're living in Garden Grove, California and think you can't afford to get started in real estate investing, think again. If you're willing to become a long distance landlord, you can start making a ton of money investing in short term rental properties out of state without having to spend very much money. During the 1,401st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is showing Garden Grove's out of state investors how they can make as much as $5 million dollars investing in Airbnb properties out of state.