The MLS Search & Analysis Show | 1,601-1,650

MLS Search & Analysis 1,650 - 1724 E 30

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Evictions are Illegal...I'm Leaving California | MLS Search & Analysis 1,649 - 270 Elberta

Being a landlord in California is the worst. The landlord tenant laws in California are out of control. As such, many people are leaving California in favor of out of state investing in more landlord friendly markets. During the 1,649th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is doing a real estate analysis on an out of state rental property in Vermilion, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are living in California and are interested in buying real estate out of state.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,648 - 270 Elberta

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We're Building Wealth for our Special Needs Daughter | MLS Search & Analysis 1,647 - 270 Elberta

The days of having a moderate income and making money as a real estate investor in Palm Beach, Florida are dead. The Palm Beach real estate market is far too expensive for those with a moderate income to be able to afford their own home as well as a rental property. During the 1,647th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping a couple of Palm Beach investors run the numbers on cheaper rental properties out of state. These out of state investors have a goal of building an out of state real estate portfolio to create long term stability for their special needs daughter. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you'd like to use out of state real estate investing to create long term wealth for your family. 




Why Vermilion Ohio is a Great Market for Investors | MLS Search & Analysis 1,646 - 270 Elberta

One of the best cash flow markets you've never heard of is Vermilion, Ohio. During the 1,646th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, rental property investing expert James Wise is going over the numbers on a duplex in Vermilion, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in cash flow rental properties in Ohio.




I Buy Properties Out of State b/c Portland Sucks | MLS Search & Analysis 1,645 - 270 Elberta

Portland, Oregon is one of the worst markets for real estate investors. The landlord tenant laws in Portland are terrible. The housing cost in Portland is unaffordable. As such, many investors living in Portland opt to invest in rental properties out of state. During the 1,645th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping a landlord from Portland buy a rental property in Vermilion, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are interested in long distance rental property investing.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,644 - 270 Elberta

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MLS Search & Analysis 1,643 - 270 Elberta

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How do you Build a 900 Unit Rental Property Portfolio? | MLS Search & Analysis 1,642 - 2272 W 5th

Do you want to invest in real estate? How many rental properties would you like to own? 1 rental property? 10 rental properties? 100 rental properties? How about 900 rental properties? During the 1,642nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show real estate investing expert James Wise is showing an out of state investor from Florida how to build a huge portfolio out of state rental properties in Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about long distance real estate investing.




Adding to a 900 Unit Rental Property Portfolio | MLS Search & Analysis 1,641 - 1918 E 120

900 units & counting. During the 1,641st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, rental property investing expert James Wise is working with an out of state investor from Bonita Springs, Florida. This investor is a seasoned professional who wants to add more units to a rental property portfolio of over 900 rental units across the USA. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to build or grow your rental property portfolio in the best cash flow markets in the USA.




Up & Coming Turnkey Markets for California Investors | MLS Search & Analysis 1,640 - 336 Kansas

If you are an out of state investor from California, you're probably on the lookout for up and coming turnkey markets that feature a ton of affordable cash flowing houses. During the 1,640th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping out of state investors from California find the best cash flow markets in the USA. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more information on making money as a long distance investor.




Is Cleveland the Best Turnkey Market in Ohio? | MLS Search & Analysis 1,639 - 336 Kansas

Cleveland, Ohio is a very popular real estate market for out of state investors looking for cheap turnkey rental properties. Is Cleveland the best market in Ohio for rental property investing though? During the 1,639th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is doing a real estate analysis on a rental property in Lorain, Ohio. Tune in to find out why Lorain, Ohio is actually a better city for landlords than Cleveland, Ohio.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,638 - 336 Kansas

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The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Lorain Ohio | MLS Search & Analysis 1,637 - 336 Kansas

Kirk is an out of state investor who wants to grow his real estate investment portfolio in Lorain, Ohio. During the 1,637th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Lorain real estate investing expert James Wise is providing Kirk with a complete breakdown of investing in the city of Lorain, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are interested in buying rental properties in Lorain, Ohio.




Should Minneapolis Landlords Invest Out of State? | MLS Search & Analysis 1,636 - 336 Kansas

Are you having trouble Investing in Minneapolis? The Minneapolis market is quickly becoming unaffordable for real estate investors. Many investors are opting to invest out of state in more affordable markets. During the 1,636th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, long distance real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Minneapolis investors learn how to invest in out of state real estate.




How to Invest in Houses if you live in Socialist Portland | MLS Search & Analysis 1,635 - 336 Kansas

If you live in that filthy socialist hell hole Portland, you may think that being a real estate investor and landlord is out of the question. Most people in Portland would rather see communism than capitalism. Obviously a socialist agenda is bad for landlords. Landlords thrive in capitalist environments, not socialist ones. As such, Portland is one of the worst cities for landlords. Don't worry though, you can still be a successful real estate investor even if you're living in communist Portland, Oregon. During the 1,635th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping an investor from Portland escape Portland's woke landlord-tenant laws by investing in out of state rental properties. If you are living in a communist hell hole like Portland, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how you too can become an out of state rental property owner.




I'm in Denver & I want to Invest in Out of State Rentals | MLS Search & Analysis 1,634 - 336 Kansas

Jake is a new real estate investor living in Denver, Colorado. Like many investors from Denver, Jake is having trouble making money as a landlord in Denver. The housing prices in Denver are too expensive and the landlord tenant laws are way too tenant friendly. During the 1,634th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping Jake get started in out of state investing in a more landlord friendly real estate market where the properties make more sense for his budget and cash flow goals. If you are living in the Denver area and you are having trouble finding rental properties that make you money, reach out to HoltonWise today.




Leaving San Jose California for more Affordable Housing | MLS Search & Analysis 1,633 - 336 Kansas

Housing in San Jose, California is at an all time high. Affordability is San Jose is at an all time low. This is a terrible combination for would be housing investors. During the 1,633rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, James Wise is working with an investor named Larry. Larry is leaving California so he can start investing in more affordable housing that is outside of his hometown of San Jose. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are thinking about leaving California in favor of out of state investing in more affordable markets.




I'm Leaving California b/c I have no Homeownership Rights | MLS Search & Analysis 1,632 - 907 Root

California is one of the worst real estate markets for investors. Many investors are leaving California because buying properties that cash flow is next to impossible in California. California's landlord tenant laws are extremely tenant friendly with many California landlords feeling like they have no homeownership rights. During the 1,632nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show turnkey real estate expert James Wise is helping California investors get started in out of state investing. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are living in California and want to start buying rental properties out of state.




Is Ohio the Best State for Buying Investment Property? | MLS Search & Analysis 1,631 - 907 Root

Buying investment property out of state is very popular right now. Many out of state investors are buying rental property in Ohio. Ohio is considered one of the best states for out of state investing because of how affordable Ohio is. On top of being one of the most affordable states in the USA, Ohio is very landlord friendly. During the 1,631st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Ohio rental property expert James Wise is explaining why long distance real estate investing works so well in Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about the best places to invest in real estate in the USA.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,630 - 907 Root

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MLS Search & Analysis 1,629 - 907 Root

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I'm in Atlanta & I want to Invest in Out of State Rentals | MLS Search & Analysis 1,628 - 907 Root

Kirk is a CVS store manager in Atlanta, Georgia. He's having trouble finding properties that are both affordable, and hit his cash flow goals. During the 1,628th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping Kirk get started in out of state investing in a market where the properties make more sense for Kirk's budget and cash flow goals. If you are living in the Atlanta area and are having trouble finding properties that work for you, reach out to HoltonWise today. 




Minneapolis Turnkey Real Estate Investing For Beginners | MLS Search & Analysis 1,627 - 907 Root

If you are a real estate investor from Minneapolis who has been considering buying turnkey properties out of state, you'll want to pay attention to the 1,627th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an out of state real estate investor from Minneapolis run the numbers on a turnkey property in Cleveland, Ohio area. This property is in Lorain, Ohio which is roughly 30 min west of the city of Cleveland. This investor from Minneapolis wants to diversify his rental property portfolio into the Cleveland, Ohio market because he believes his money will go further buying Cleveland housing than it will if he were to continue to invest it it in the Minneapolis housing market. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about turnkey rental properties in Ohio.




Leaving California? I'm here to Rescue you! | MLS Search & Analysis 1,626 - 907 Root

If you are one of the thousands of people leaving California in favor of buying more affordable housing in investor friendly markets, HoltonWise is here for you. During the 1,626th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping a Californian named Jeff buy an out of state multi family rental property in an investor friendly city called Lorain, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about long distance real estate investing.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,625 - 907 Root

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MLS Search & Analysis 1,624 - 907 Root

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Affordable Housing in San Jose is Dead | MLS Search & Analysis 1,623 - 907 Root

Long distance real estate investing is a great way to make money in real estate if you live in San Jose, California. The reason long distance rental property makes sense for people living in San Jose is simple, buy and hold real estate investing in San Jose is dead. The landlord tenant laws in San Jose, California are so tenant friendly, landlords can no longer earn a living investing in San Jose rental properties. If you are going to make money with long term real estate investing you're going to need to buy properties in a market where the government isn't as woke as the California government. During the 1,623rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, long distance rental property investing expert James Wise is showing investors from San Jose how they can make money buying rental property out of state. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to purchase rental properties out of state.




Is Lakewood a Good Cash Flow City in Ohio? | MLS Search & Analysis 1,622 - 1623 Winchester

Ohio is one of the most popular states for cash flow investing. Cash flow properties in Ohio are typically very cheap and cash flow very well. During the 1,622nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Ohio real estate investing expert James Wise is discussing the cash flow opportunities in the city of Lakewood, Ohio. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn about investing in rental properties in Lakewood, Ohio as well as the rest of the state of Ohio.




Doing an Investment Trust for Special Needs Child | MLS Search & Analysis 1,621 - 3327 Hearthstone

Investing in real estate is a great way to build generational wealth for your family. During the 1,621st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping a couple of Palm Beach investors accomplish their goal of setting up a real estate investment trust for their special needs daughter. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you'd like to use out of state real estate investing to create long term wealth for your children. 




Return of Investment Vs Return on Investment | MLS Search & Analysis 1,620 - 3327 Hearthstone

When out of state investors buy properties in Ohio, they often buy the cheapest properties possible. Buying the cheapest properties in Ohio usually leads these investors to buy high risk properties in cities like Cleveland, Ohio. However, there are cities in Ohio that have a much lower risk profile than Cleveland, Ohio. One of these cities is Parma, Ohio. During the 1,620th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, property investing expert James Wise is going over the numbers on a property in Parma, Ohio while discussing the differences between return of investment investing vs return on investment investing. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in Ohio real estate.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,619 - 20670 Fuller

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I Hate Wholesaling Houses in Ohio | MLS Search & Analysis 1,618 - 17720 Delavan

Wholesaling houses in Ohio is a great way to make money, but most wholesalers are not wholesaling houses in Ohio. Most wholesalers in Ohio are illegally brokering real estate. If you'd like to learn the truth about how to make money wholesaling houses in Ohio you'll want to check out the 1,618th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show.




Wholesalers are Morally Bankrupt Idiots | MLS Search & Analysis 1,617 - 17720 Delavan

Wholesaling real estate is a great business but most wholesalers are morally bankrupt idiots who have no idea what they are doing. If you'd like to learn the truth about how to make money wholesaling houses you'll want to check out the 1,617th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show.




Wholesaling a $500 House in Cleveland | MLS Search & Analysis 1,616 - 17720 Delavan

Did you know that you can actually flip houses without fixing them up. It's called wholesaling. In the 1,616th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show Cleveland real estate expert James Wise is showing investors how they can flip a $500 house in Cleveland for a quick profit. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in Cleveland real estate.




I Made Turnkey Real Estate Investing Better | MLS Search & Analysis 1,615 - 2437 E 29

Turnkey real estate investing is great for cash flow, but what if you want more? What if you want cash flow and equity? What if you could buy turnkey properties at a huge discount? What if you could get the turnkey experience without paying the turnkey price? Tune in to the 1,615th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show to see how you can make more money investing out of state with HoltonWise than you can make buying turnkey properties from a traditional turnkey provider.




It's Time to Fix Turn Key Real Estate Investing | MLS Search & Analysis 1,614 - 2437 E 29

For the longest time, investing in turnkey rental properties has been the only way for investors from California and other high cost real estate markets to be able to buy affordable housing in the most landlord friendly states in the USA. The problem many California investors have with turnkey investing is it's almost impossible to buy a turn key home with any equity. When Californians invest with turnkey companies out of state, the turnkey providers are the ones who are making all of the money. This leaves long distance property owners from California in a high risk spot when all of their out of state rental properties have next to no equity because they bought them for a premium price. HoltonWise is here to change all of that. During the 1,614th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turn key real estate investing expert James Wise is showing out of state investors from California how HoltonWise is fixing the turnkey real estate industry in Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are interested in buying a property out of state without having to pay the premium price many turnkey providers are charging.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,613 - 2437 E 29

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Turnkey Real Estate Investing (Baltimore/Stevensville, MD) | MLS Search & Analysis 1,612 - 2437 E 29

Pay attention to today's show if you are living in the Baltimore / Stevensville, Maryland area and are interested in buying turnkey rental properties. During the 1,612th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is working with an investor from the Baltimore / Stevensville, Maryland area to help him make a ton of money investing in out of state real estate.




I can't Cash Flow in Minneapolis. Should I Buy Turnkey? | MLS Search & Analysis 1,611 - 2437 E 29

It's almost impossible to buy cash flow properties in the Minneapolis, Minnesota real estate market. As such, many investors from the Minneapolis area have began investing with turnkey companies so they can buy out of state rental properties. During the 1,611th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping a turnkey investor from Minneapolis get started with out of state rental properties in a lessor known turnkey market called Lorain, Ohio. Turnkey properties in Lorain, Ohio can be purchased for pennies on the dollar when compared to rental properties in Minneapolis. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are having trouble finding properties that hit your cash flow goals. 




I'm in Portland & I'm Buying a $10k House Out of State | MLS Search & Analysis 1,610 - 2437 E 29

Melvin is a new investor in Portland, Oregon. Like many investors from Portland, he is having trouble making money as a real estate investor in Portland. The housing prices in Portland are too expensive and the landlord tenant laws are way too tenant friendly. During the 1,610th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping him get started in out of state investing in a more landlord friendly real estate market where the properties make more sense for his budget and cash flow goals. If you are living in the Portland real estate market and you are having trouble finding rental properties that will help you make money, reach out to HoltonWise today. 




MLS Search & Analysis 1,609 - 925 W 17

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How to Buy a $13,000 Rental Property in Ohio | MLS Search & Analysis 1,608 - 925 W 17

Are you looking for cheap states to buy a house? One of the cheapest states to buy a house is Ohio. Ohio real estate investing is very popular with those buying real estate out of state because of this. During the 1,608th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, residential real estate investing expert James Wise is helping investors buy rental properties in Lorain, Ohio. When you are buying rental properties in Lorain, Ohio you don't need to worry about raising a lot of money. Lorain is one of cheapest places to buy a house in America. The house James Wise is running the numbers on in today's show only requires the investor to raise $13,000. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more information on the buying the cheapest real estate in the world.




How to Build a Rental Property Empire with $13,000 | MLS Search & Analysis 1,607 - 925 W 17

You don't need to have a lot of money to get started in real estate if you buy your properties in the right market. During the 1,607th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, rental property investing expert James Wise is showing investors how to get started in real estate investing with only $13,000. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to get started in real estate without a lot of money.




I'm in Maryland & I'm Buying Out of State Rental Properties | MLS Search & Analysis 1,606 - 925 W 17

Terry is a new real estate investor living just outside of Baltimore, Maryland in an upper middle class city called Stevensville. Like many investors from Stevensville, Terry is having trouble making money as a landlord in Maryland. The housing prices in Maryland are too expensive and the landlord tenant laws are way too tenant friendly. During the 1,606th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping Terry get started in out of state investing in a more landlord friendly real estate market where the properties make more sense for his budget and cash flow goals. If you are living in Maryland and you are having trouble finding rental properties that make you money, reach out to HoltonWise today.




If Maryland Housing Burns your Penis, Invest Out of State | MLS Search & Analysis 1,605 - 925 W 17

If investing in Maryland real estate burns your penis, you may want to do what Terry is doing. Terry is an investor from Maryland who wants to invest in out of state rental properties so that he can buy income properties for a cheaper price than he can in the Maryland real estate market. Terry thinks the Maryland housing market is too unaffordable, so he's decided to begin buying Section 8 housing in the Cleveland real estate market as an out of state investor. In the 1,605th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, turnkey real estate expert James Wise is helping Terry run the numbers on an Ohio duplex in a Cleveland suburb called Lorain, Ohio. As Terry is not going to be living in Ohio, he's going to need a boots on the ground team handling his Ohio rental properties as his plan is to remain living in Maryland and build his real estate business from out of state. If you are living in Maryland and think that the Maryland housing market is too expensive for real estate investing, reach out to HoltonWise today. HotlonWise is Maryland turnkey real estate investing made easy.




MLS Search & Analysis 1,604 - 925 W 17

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I'm in Minneapolis & I can't afford to Invest in Rentals | MLS Search & Analysis 1,603 - 925 W 17

It's hard to find cash flow properties in the Minneapolis, Minnesota real estate market. As such, many investors from the Minneapolis area have began investing in out of state rental properties. During the 1,603rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show long distance rental property expert James Wise is helping an investor from Minneapolis get started with out of state rental properties that can be bought for pennies on the dollar when compared to rental properties in Minneapolis. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more information on investing in real estate out of state.




The Govt is Kicking Investors in New Jersey in the Dick | MLS Search & Analysis 1,601 - 2358 W 11

If you're an investor in New Jersey who feels like the government is kicking you right in the dick, you aren't alone. Many New Jersey landlords are opting for out of state investing due to how difficult things are for landlords in New Jersey. On the 1,601st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping New Jersey investors buy more affordable rental properties in markets outside of the New Jersey real estate market. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about long distance real estate investing.




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