The timing of Gavin Newsom finally taking action against the homeless crisis in California is such that it sure looks like he's making a play for the White House. If Gavin Newsom becomes Kamala Harris' vice president, will these two progressive politicians turn the entire USA into California? Will progressive politics, anti landlord housing policies, socialists economic policies and a soft stance on crime become the new norm under a Harris & Newsom administration?
Toledo, Ohio is one of the best cash flow markets for real estate investors. If done correctly, investing in housing in Toledo can make you filthy rich. Nobody knows more about getting filthy rich in Toledo, Ohio than OzRealty owner Engelo Rumora. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more of Engelo Rumora's Toledo investing tips.
It looks like Gavin Newsom might be done ruining the lives of California property owners. There seems to be some hints that he's leaving California because he's decided to take his anti landlord show on the road to the White House where he can ruin the lives of every landlord in America.
No pay, no stay. But don't forget, there is more than one way to pay your landlord the rent. Cash, check, credit card, money order, ACH, Hawk Tuah, you name it. Be smart, don't get evicted from your apartment. Pay your rent and always include your landlord's tip on top of the rent payment.
Trump was beating Joe Biden handedly. Donald Trump becoming the 47th president seemed to be a foregone conclusion. However, now Joe Biden is out, and Kamala Harris is in. Kamala Harris entering the 2024 presidential race is very unfortunate for real estate investors. While Donald Trump is one of the most investor friendly presidents, Kamala Harris polls better than Biden and has a history of anti investor housing policies. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more housing news, education and opportunities.
Joe Biden is out, and Kamala Harris is in, with a bang. Did Kamala Harris really raise a record $80 million dollars in one day, or was it just previously frozen money from the Biden campaign? Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more investment news, education and opportunities.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is good for business if you are a real estate investor. When it comes to housing policy, Donald Trump is pro real estate investing, and Democrats like Kamala Harris & Joe Biden are anti landlord. Many people think that the Trump assassination attempt has all but assured that Trump will win the 2024 election, thus making real estate investing a great business to be in. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more housing news, education and investment opportunities.
How the housing market operates is heavily dependent on which party is in the white house. This has never been more evident than in the 2024 election cycle where we have a famous real estate investor running against a progressive anti landlord candidate. Joe Biden is out, and Kamala Harris is in to take on Donald Trump for the fate of the country which will greatly effect how investors must navigate the housing market. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more housing news, education and investment opportunities.
If you live in an expensive real estate market like California or New York, you've probably been thinking about investing out of state. Investing in out of state real estate markets that are much more affordable is a great way for investors to make a ton of money. However, when you're investing in long distance rental properties, mistakes can be easy to make. One of the easiest mistakes out of state real estate investors make is hiring the wrong general contractor to fix up your rental properties. OzRealty owner and out of state property renovation expert Engelo Rumora says hiring the general contractor is one of the most important keys to the long distance rental property puzzle. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more out of state real estate investing tips and tricks.
Facing eviction is one of the scariest things you can deal with. Luckily for you it's possible to stop any eviction in a few simple steps. Do you want to learn how to stop your eviction? The first step to stopping your eviction is manning the F up and getting a damn job. Rent's due you lazy turd. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more live eviction footage. Nobody has more live evictions caught on camera than HoltonWiseTV.
You never know what you're going to see and hear when you tour a foreclosed house with OzRealty owner Engelo Rumora. From squats, to flipping foreclosed houses, to foreclosure treasure hunts, to James Wise living his life in the closet, Engelo has an opinion on all of it. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more of Engelo Rumora's madness.
Investing in real estate is a great way to increase your net worth. However your investments are only as good as the team you hire to manage them. When investing in rental properties, especially out of state rental properties, hiring a good property manager is one of the most important things you can do. OzRealty owner and Property management expert Engelo Rumora says hiring the right property manager isn't enough though. After you've hired the right property management team to handle your investment portfolio it's incredibly important that you take a step back and allow them to do the job you've hired them to do. A needy landlord doesn't add any value to the situation. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more real estate investing tips and tricks.
Rent is the most important bill you have. Never play around with your landlord's rent check. Getting evicted by your landlord is far worse than anything VISA can do to you if you owe them money. Be smart, pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord so he doesn't have to evict you from your home.
There is more than one way to pay your landlord the rent. Cash, check, credit card, money order, ACH, Hawk Tuah, you name it. Be smart, pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord so he doesn't have to evict you.
You've got to have game if you want to date those single moms who pay you all those monthly rent checks. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how you can make those Section 8 ladies feel special.
The Lord calls us all to do his work in different ways. For a select few individuals, following God's Will means evicting single mothers when they don't pay their rent. If you are a single mother who doesn't want to be evicted, make sure you keep God happy by paying your rent including your landlord's tip.
Not tipping your landlord the proper amount is a great way to get yourself kicked out of your home. Be smart, don't get evicted. Pay your rent and tip your landlord his customary 10%.
The so called eviction crisis is a damn lie. There is no eviction crisis. There is no housing crisis. What we have is a bunch of entitled young men who don't want to work hard anymore. Go to work. Pay your rent, and don't forget to tip your landlord.
Have you ever walked in on two of the homies balls deep in your lady's fart box? Getting evicted feels a lot like that. Be smart, don't forget to tip your landlord so you don't get evicted.
Toledo, Ohio and Detroit, Michigan are two of the cheapest cities in America. Part of the reason these two Midwestern cites are so cheap is because of all of the distressed properties, crime and blight that each city has. Despite the dangers of investing in poor crime ridden cities, many Section 8 investors have made a fortune buying up condemned housing for pennies on the dollar in each of these cities. Which city do you think has more condemned properties, Toledo or Detroit?
When screening renters for your properties, you need to be very upfront with them about how evictions work. As a landlord your job is to make sure the rent is paid. Explaining how horrible eviction day is will deter tenants from thinking they can get away with not paying the rent on time. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more tenant screening tips and tricks.
When you are buying a house, or investing in the housing market, you're probably going to be disappointed by the Realtors you choose to work with. Most Realtors fail the business within two years. The barrier to entry to become a Realtor is incredibly low, which creates a ton of unqualified Realtors. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how investing in the real estate market really works. At HoltonWise you won't be bothered by any unqualified Realtors who are on the brink of failure.
You think being a Section 8 investor is easy? Check out this bed bug infestation. These are the types of things you'll have to deal with when you are renting your houses to Section 8 tenants. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see what it's really like managing 1,000's of Section 8 renters. On HoltonWiseTV you'll see everything from live evictions caught on tape, to Section 8 investment opportunities, to the worst bed bug infestations you've ever seen.
Do you want a Section 8 investing tip from the pro's? It doesn't matter what the temperature is outside. When you are inspecting a new Section 8 rental property you need to crank up the heat on that furnace. At HoltonWise we specialize in helping people who are investing in Section 8 properties in the best cash flow markets in the USA. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more Section 8 real estate investing tips and tricks. On HoltonWiseTV we feature everything from HVAC tips and tricks, to electrical tips and tricks, to plumbing tips and tricks, to Section 8 property management tips and tricks. HoltonWiseTV is Section 8 housing made easy.
If you are buying low income housing in the ghetto, you need to be utilizing the Section 8 voucher program. The Section 8 program is the only way for a landlord to make any money in the ghetto. A lot of landlords think that Section 8 is the worst. A lot of landlords think that Section 8 renters are hard to deal with. A lot of landlords think that Section 8 people trash their properties. All of this is true. Thing is, when you are doing deals in the ghetto you need your renters to pay their rent or all you'll be doing is evicting people left and right. When you are renting to people who are willing to live in the ghetto nobody pays their rent except for people on Section 8 vouchers. It's Section 8 or bust when you're in the hood. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to make money in the difficult world of Section 8 housing.
Don't forget your landlord's 10% tip when you pay the monthly rent. Stiffing the lord of your land on the tip is a great way to get yourself evicted from your home.
When tenants refuse to pay the rent and refuse to leave, they become squatters who need to get evicted. If you love watching squatters get evicted, you'll love watching HoltonWiseTV. Nobody has more eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.
As a landlord, you've got to watch out for single moms on eviction day. Single moms love to make their problems your problems. Unfortunately for all the single mothers out there, single moms have to play by the same rules as everyone else. If you don't pay your rent, the landlord is going to evict you. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see more live evictions caught on tape. Nobody has more live eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.
Getting evicted sucks, but getting evicted in Detroit really sucks. Pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord.
Memphis is a great real estate markets for landlords. However, only good landlords can survive the ups and downs that come with being a landlord in Memphis, Tennessee. In Memphis it's very common for landlords to run into tenants who think they can get away with not paying their rent. Good landlords know that you need to make tenants aware that you do not mess around with the rent check. Good landlords let their tenants know that the moment they start screwing around with the rent payments you'll send the eviction crew out to their house to evict them as soon as possible. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more tenant screening tips for landlords.
Being homeless in Detroit sucks. Make sure you are tipping your landlord his 10% tip so you don't get evicted.
Living in Detroit is tough. Everyone in Detroit wants something from you. Even the landlords in Detroit want you to tip them after you pay your rent. If you don't tip your landlord in Detroit you're going to get evicted by a bunch of scary looking dudes. Be safe out there. Pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord.
If you think you can pay someone a small fee and they'll make you rich through Amazon Automation, you're going to get scammed. In America there is only one tried and true way to get rich, and that's investing in real estate. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to become a millionaire by investing in housing.
Cleveland, Ohio is one of the most dangerous cities in America. Evicting tenants in the city of Cleveland is a very dangerous job. In Cleveland, evictions can go from bad to worse in an instant. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see what happens in Cleveland, Ohio when evictions go wrong.
If you don't want to get evicted from your apartment, make sure you don't forget to include your landlord's tip with your rent payment. How much do you tip your landlord in Detroit, Michigan?
You wouldn't want to learn sex education from a virgin would you? Then why in the world would you buy a house from a Realtor who doesn't even own their own home?
Sometimes things get real wild during an eviction. Nobody wants to get evicted from their home, but some tenants get down right violent when the landlord tries to evict them. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to see all the drama that happens on eviction day. Nobody has more live evictions caught on tape than HoltonWiseTV.
Having multiple crotch goblins with no baby daddy in sight does not mean you are allowed to steal money from your landlord. Single moms don't get a pass. Being a single mother doesn't mean you get the privilege of having your bad decisions subsidized by your landlord's hard work. Landlording isn't charity. If you don't pay, you don't stay. Landlords sleep just fine after they evict single moms. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see more single mothers get evicted for not paying their rent.
Many out of state investors come to the Cleveland housing market to buy up low income rental properties for cash flow. However, the most profitable investors buy housing for cash flow as well as appreciation. If you are going to try to maximize your cash flow and appreciation in the Cleveland real estate market, you will want to look at Cleveland's gentrification trends to see which Cleveland neighborhoods are going to make you the most money over the short and long term. Tremont, Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway & Edgewater are the four Cleveland neighborhoods that have seen the most gentrification over the last several decades. Buying houses in these neighborhoods as well as neighboring areas that are expected to gentrify in the future is a great way for investors to make big money on both cash flow and appreciation. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about making money buying houses in up and coming neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio.
Tip your landlord, or else you are going to get evicted from your house and lose your girlfriend.
Things turn for the worst when a landlord is attacked during this eviction gone wrong. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more live eviction footage. Nobody has more evictions caught on tape than HoltonWiseTV.
Getting evicted from your apartment is no fun. Eviction day is tough. Be smart, don't get evicted. Pay your rent on time and don't forget to include your landlord's tip.
Tipping your landlord allows you the opportunity to show him how much you appreciate his greatness. Additionally, when you tip your landlord, he can use that money to buy another house and bestow his greatness upon another tenant. Plus, if you don't tip your landlord, there is a real good chance you are going to get evicted from your house.
You might be able to play games with your landlord in some liberal hellhole like Portland, New York or California. That woke crap doesn't fly here in Ohio though. In Ohio, if you don't pay your rent you are getting evicted and there isn't anything you can do about it. When you are living in Ohio you need to make sure you pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord.
Bad tenants love to make their problems their landlord's problems. Single mothers are notorious for thinking they can avoid eviction and get away with not paying their rent if they cry to their landlord about everything that is wrong with their lives. That doesn't fly here at HoltonWise. At HoltonWise, it's no pay, no stay. If you don't pay your rent, you are getting evicted from your home, even if you are a single mom.
Landlords shouldn't feel bad if they have to evict single mothers. Many people will try to blame the landlord for what happens to a single mom and her kids on eviction day. Some people will even say that the landlord is an evil person for evicting people who have children. The liberal narrative is that evicting kids is the wrong thing for the landlord to do. The thing is, the landlord isn't the one evicting the single mom and her children. The kids get evicted by their deadbeat mothers who make poor life choices. If you don't act like a responsible adult and pay your bills, you're going to get your kids evicted. Crying to the landlord isn't going to stop the eviction. Be smart, go to work and pay your rent, or you're going to get evicted.
If you are thinking about buying a house, or investing in the housing market, you're probably going to want to talk to a Realtor. Thing is, you need to be careful when choosing a real estate agent to work with. The barrier to entry to become a real estate agent is so low that almost 90% of Realtors fail the business within a year or two. Taking advice from a failed Realtor can turn out terribly for any first time home buyer, investor, or home seller. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how the housing market works from successful real estate professionals who aren't going to wash out of the real estate business in the next year or two.
If you don't pay your rent you are going to see a pile of stuff in your front yard on eviction day. No pay, no stay. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more live evictions caught on camera. Nobody has more live eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.
What is the toughest job in the world? Is being a plumber the hardest job out there? Is it being a Doctor? Is it being a Police Officer? Or, is it being a landlord?