If you are a real estate investor in Oregon who is looking towards out of state investing to buy rental properties that meet your cash flow goals the 448th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show is for you. During the show, James Wise is working with a couple of Oregon Realtors who are looking at starting a rental property portfolio in Ohio due to the Ohio real estate market's lower cost of housing than what these investing brothers are used to in their local real estate market in Oregon. James provides these Oregon real estate agents with a full breakdown of a low cost investment property in Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland real estate market is one of the cheapest real estate markets in Ohio and the entire United States. These Oregon Realtors can buy distressed properties in Ohio like this one with a very small amount of cash compared to what they would need to spend had they tried to buy a property like this in Oregon. Then with the help of HoltonWise's turnkey real estate investment services that include property management and property renovations these Oregon agents should be able to pull out the majority of their cash using the BRRRR Strategy so that they can use this same cash to continue building their out of state rental portfolio in Ohio.
Turnkey real estate investing isn't the only way real estate investors can invest out of state. Believe it or not you can be a long distance landlord and still buy deeply discounted properties from motivated sellers. In the 435th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping a rental property investor from Utah named Aaron buy a cheap property with equity. The reason James believes he can help this out of town investor get equity when he buys this rental property has to do with the fact that this property is being poorly managed.
If you're a blue collar worker living in California who wants to get started investing in real estate you may have said "my market is too expensive to invest in real estate." Don't worry, you are not alone. The California real estate market is one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world. Buying rental property in California requires real estate investors to have deep pockets. Often times investing in California real estate doesn't even hit the cash flow goals most real estate investors have. So what do those interested in California real estate investing do when cash flow real estate in California is next to impossible to find? They invest in real estate out of state. They become long distance real estate investors. In the 432nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping a blue collar worker living in California start his rental real estate business out of state in a much cheaper real estate market that works for investors with little money.
Analyzing rental property deals is super important for any real estate investor. Whether you are a seasoned local rental property owner, or a brand new out of state rental property investor, the entire investment process begins with accurately running the numbers on the investment property. In the 423rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with a long distance real estate investor to help him analyze the numbers on a long distance rental property located in the Cleveland, Ohio market. The reason this long distance landlord chose the Cleveland real estate market to do his rental property investing is because the Cleveland area is located in one of the most landlord-friendly states, Ohio. If you are interested in buying property out of state and or just getting started in real estate investing this show is a must watch.
If you are a real estate investor in Cleveland or anywhere in the world looking to learn how to remain anonymous in real estate investing the 422nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show is for you. During the show James Wise is working with an anonymous real estate investor to help him buy a rental property in Cleveland, Ohio. This anonymous real estate investor works a day job as a chef and is looking to diversify his income during the Covid pandemic due to all of the Covid shutdowns in the restaurant industry. The Cleveland real estate market provides this anonymous out of state investor with cash flow at a much more affordable price then in the real estate market he lives in. Over the course of the show James Wise discusses how and why a real estate investor would want to remain anonymous while investing in Cleveland deals as well as explains how HoltonWise can assist a real estate investor with the day to day management of their Cleveland investment portfolio.
As a west coast real estate investor you may be wondering "Is it possible for a real estate investor living in Los Angeles to begin his real estate investment portfolio with only $20,000?" Yes! West coast real estate investors living in areas like Los Angeles are investing in cheap real estate everyday. Granted, these cheap rental properties are not located in LA as cheap properties in LA don't really exist considering the Los Angeles area has one of the highest costs of living in the world. Have you ever googled the phrase - leaving California? In the 420th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with an LA real estate investor named Joe. Joe is a grocery store manager in the Los Angeles area who wants to become a long distance rental property owner. Joe has $20,000 and knows that he won't be able to invest locally in the Los Angeles real estate market with a budget that small. As such, Joe has been researching buying property out of state and he is looking for Holton-Wise to assist him in getting started in real estate investing in the Cleveland, Ohio market due to it's much lower cost of living than the Los Angeles real estate market.
Real estate investing in the Cleveland real estate market is very popular with real estate investors from all over the world because Cleveland real estate is very affordable. However, out of state investing in cheap real estate markets like Cleveland, Ohio can be a polarizing topic. In the 417th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with an out of state real estate investor from California who wants to invest his money in Ohio rental properties. However, James Wise and his California based investor run into a road block when they encounter an Ohio rental property owner who refuses to sell his Cleveland investment property to anyone living outside of the Cleveland market. This anti out of state sentiment is not just unique to this Cleveland property owner either. There are many Clevelanders who feel like out of state investors are hurting the Cleveland real estate market. Watch the show to find out what you can do as an out of state investor when you run into discrimination from the local Cleveland population.
It sure seems like all the Guru's are saying that they can teach you how to become a millionaire in real estate investing with turnkey rental properties in the Cleveland market. Is that true though? Is turnkey real estate investing the only way to make your millions in Cleveland real estate? Are there other ways to make money investing in the Cleveland real estate market? Should you be buying turnkey real estate from turnkey providers in Cleveland or doing something else to make your real estate fortune? In the 416th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is showing out of state real estate investors an alternative to traditional turnkey real estate companies. James Wise believes that out of state real estate investors should look at other real estate strategies in addition to turnkey real estate when they are deciding what is the best way to make money investing in Cleveland real estate. There are a ton of different real estate investment strategies that work well in the Cleveland housing market and an out of state investor would have a tough time learning how to make the most money with their Cleveland real estate portfolio if they didn't look at all of them before making the decision to buy from a turnkey provider. Make sure you watch this video before you spend your hard earned money on a turnkey property in Cleveland, you may learn a thing or two about turnkey real estate company's that could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Being a BRRRR investor can be hard. The BRRRR strategy is great, but the BRRRR strategy can be difficult to pull off if an investor doesn't know what they are doing when trying to manage the rehab or even run the numbers on a BRRRR deal. In addition, doing a BRRRR deal out of state is even more difficult than pulling off a BRRRR investment in your own real estate market. Luckily for real estate investors all over the world HoltonWise makes long distance BRRRR deals as simple and passive as possible. At HoltonWise we are your entire core 4 all rolled into one simple and easy to work with boots on the ground team. In the 414th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James is helping an out of state investor pull off a BRRRR strategy deal on a duplex that is dealing with some major roof and water repair issues. James Wise takes a deep look at the numbers along with needed repairs for this out of state BRRRRR analysis. A good BRRRR deal always starts with a proper BRRRR investment analysis then after the BRRRR method is successfully performed the HoltonWise team will be able to continue the property management, maintenance, tenant screening, tenant leasing, rental property insurance, title insurance and much more on behalf of the long distance rental property owner.
The BRRRR strategy is great, but the BRRRR strategy can be difficult to pull off if an investor doesn't know what they are doing when trying to manage the rehab or even run the numbers on a BRRRR deal. Doing a BRRRR deal out of state is even more difficult than doing a normal locally manage BRRRR deal. Luckily for real estate investors all over the world HoltonWise makes long distance BRRRR deals as simple and passive as possible. At HoltonWise we are your entire core 4 all rolled into one simple and easy to work with boots on the ground team. In the 413th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James is helping an out of state investor pull off a BRRRR strategy deal on a duplex in a super cheap area of Cleveland, Ohio. After the BRRRR method is successfully performed the HoltonWise team will be able to continue the property management, maintenance, tenant screening, tenant leasing, rental property insurance, title insurance and much more on behalf of the long distance rental property owner.
There are many real estate investing strategies that work well in the Cleveland real estate market. Investing in the Cleveland, Ohio real estate market is attractive more many reasons. Mostly it's because the cash flow in the Cleveland market is much higher than other real estate investment markets due to the high price to rent ratio in Cleveland housing. Because of this high price to rent ratio and easy of entry given the low cost of Cleveland housing many houses in the Cleveland market sell very quickly. What about those houses in Cleveland that aren't selling quickly? Can Cleveland real estate investors make money buying houses in Cleveland that are hard to sell? What makes these Cleveland houses so hard to sell while other Cleveland houses are flying off the market in record time? In the 409th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with out of state investors to help them bid on Cleveland investment properties that have been sitting on the market for a long time. Buying hard to sell properties in Cleveland can be an investment strategy that allows real estate investors to achieve a high return on their investments in Cleveland. In addition to all of the Cleveland market knowledge James Wise presents in this video out of state investors get to benefit from working with HoltonWise after the sale closes by having HoltonWise act as their Cleveland boots on the ground team providing a complete set of Cleveland turnkey investment services including Cleveland property management, Cleveland renovations, Cleveland rehab services, Cleveland tenants screening, Cleveland tenant leasing, Cleveland eviction services, Cleveland landlord insurance and much more. HoltonWise is a real estate investors complete Core boots on the ground team in Cleveland. HotlonWiseTV is Cleveland real estate investing made easy. Subscribe today!
If you are a Russian real estate investor wondering wow to invest in overseas real estate from Russia you've come to the right place. The 408th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show is all about international real estate investing in Cleveland, Ohio. James Wise is working with a Russian investor to help him start a rental property portfolio in the Cleveland real estate market. This Russian real estate investor chose Cleveland due to the high level of cash flow offered by Cleveland rental properties. As this is this Russian landlord's first time investing in Cleveland real estate, this video focuses on overseas investment for beginners. If you are wanting to learn about investing in US real estate for foreign investors HoltonWiseTV is right for you. James helps this Russian investor identify a Cleveland duplex with a high return on investment as well as points him in the right direction in regards to an American LLC and foreign investor financing. Best of all, after the sale this Russian rental property owner will not have to worry about Cleveland property management as HoltonWise is a long distance real estate investor's complete boots on the ground team in the Cleveland real estate area. HoltonWise is an out of country investor's complete core 4 and more providing full service property management, maintenance, tenant screening, tenant leasing, rental property insurance and much more for all investors looking at buying property in Cleveland, Ohio.
Out of state real estate investing is becoming more popular as real estate investors continue to be priced out of their home real estate markets due to rising prices. The Midwest is a hot bed for long-distance real estate investing due to out of state real estate investors searching for landlord friendly states where they can buy cash flow rental property for cheaper than they can buy a rental property for at home. At HoltonWise we specialize in helping long distance property owners invest in Midwest real estate. Investing in the Midwest real estate markets is great for those buying single family rentals for cash flow as well as those buying a multifamily property for cash flow. In the 407th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with an out of state rental property owner to help him buy a cash flowing duplex in Lorain, Ohio. Lorain, Ohio is often overlooked by the more popular Cleveland real estate market, but Lorain, Ohio is a great city for those looking for the best cash flow rental markets where a cash flow house can be purchased for pennies on the dollar. When investing in the Midwest region it's important for long distance property owners to have a boots on the ground team to help them identify all the pros and cons to Midwest real estate investing. Luckily for you that's exactly what we do here at HoltonWise. HoltonWise features a full lineup of turnkey real estate investing services for out of state investors. HoltonWise's lineup of turnkey real estate investment services includes property management, rental property maintenance, renovations, construction, landscaping, rental property insurance, tenant screening, tenant leasing and much more. HoltonWise is a Midwest investor's entire core 4 real estate investment team all rolled into one.