If you're a landlord Democratic policies are bad for business. New England real estate investors have it tough. The pricing in areas like Boston Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Vermont is too high for rental property owners to hit their cash flow goals. In addition, the New England region is one of the most Democratic tenant friendly markets in the United States of America. A tenant friendly real estate market means property ownership rights have been stripped away from landlords in favor of woke democratic policies. In the 537th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with a real estate investor who's sick of investing his money in the New England real estate market. Buying rental properties in New England do not meet this Rhode Island based investor's cash flow goals. This investor is looking to become a long distance real estate investor so that he can purchase rental properties at a lower price point that come with more landlord friendly municipalities.
Is buying Rhode Island investment properties a good way to make cash flow? Some real estate investors believe that investing in Rhode Island real estate for cash flow is next to impossible given the high prices of the Rhode Island real estate market. In addition to dealing with high prices and little cash flow when buying Rhode Island rental properties, Rhode Island real estate investors have to deal with the incredibly liberal landlord tenant laws in Rhode Island. Many Rhode Island landlords believe that Rhode Island landlord tenant laws favor the tenants so much that buying Rhode Island rental property for long term buy and hold investing is a bad investment. In the 535th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with a Rhode Island investor who is totally fed up with Rhode Island real estate investing. This investor no longer wants to own low income rental property in Rhode Island. Instead, this Rhode Island property owner wants to buy rental properties out of state in the Cleveland, Ohio market. The reason this Rhode Island entrepreneur is looking at the Cleveland real estate market instead of the Rhode Island real estate market is the increased cash flow he can get when investing in low income rental properties in Cleveland compared to Section 8 housing in Rhode Island. In addition to a higher level of cash flow in Cleveland vs Rhode Island this Rhode Island property investor is very excited about how landlord friendly Ohio is when compared to Rhode Island's anti landlord real estate laws.
Real estate investing in New Jersey is tough if you're a real estate investor looking to buy a lot of properties for a low price point. How does a New Jersey real estate investor invest in cheap rental properties when the New Jersey real estate market is incredibly expensive? Where can New Jersey real estate investors go to get the cheapest properties? Cleveland, Ohio. That's right. The Cleveland, Ohio real estate market is a great landing spot for turnkey real estate investors in New Jersey who are looking for cheap investment properties to buy. In the 531st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with a New Jersey landlord to build a portfolio of long distance section 8 rental properties in Cleveland, Ohio. The price points in low cost real estate markets like Cleveland, Ohio are so much cheaper than areas like New Jersey and Holton-Wise is one of the biggest turnkey real estate investment companies working with New Jersey investors who want to build low cost rental portfolios utilizing section 8.
Being a teacher is a well respected job. Thing is, living on a teacher's salary isn't all that luxurious. As such, it's very common for teachers to have a side hustle. Starting a side business as a teacher can be incredibly profitable if done correctly. In the 530th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with a teacher named Natalie to help her get her side hustle going. This teacher plans on running a real estate side hustle. More specifically this teacher wants to have a side hustle as a low income rental property owner in Cleveland, Ohio. Being a low income landlord isn't for everyone. If you are like this teacher and are interested in becoming a low income property investor in the Cleveland real estate market this show is for you. James Wise goes over the details on how this teacher can get her real estate investment side hustle off the ground with a low income fourplex on the westside of Cleveland Ohio. This low income rental property ain't pretty, but neither is being a low income property manager. As one of the largest low income rental property management companies in the Cleveland housing market HoltonWise is able to take care of all of the boots on the ground work needed in order to run a low income rental property portfolio in Cleveland while passive investors like this school teacher can continue to focus on their day jobs.
Can you make money flipping houses in low income areas? You better believe it. In the 526th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with an out of state house flipper to help her get started flipping houses out of state in the Cleveland real estate market. With HoltonWise, flipping houses of state is made possible because HoltonWise can handle the entire out of state house flipping process for out of state house flippers. Today's out of state house flip is perfect for those looking to learn how to flip houses with no money because this is an incredibly cheap house in a low income neighborhood. Flipping cheap houses in low income neighborhoods is very important with those learning how to start flipping houses because of the low barrier to entry provided by the low costs to these house flips. If you are a first time house flipper looking to do a long distance house flip an out of state house flip like this one in Cleveland might just be the kind of house flip you want to do.
When real estate investors are searching for the best markets to invest in, Cleveland, Ohio typically comes up as a destination for out of state real estate investors looking to get into rental real estate investing. Long distance real estate investing is attractive to real estate investors who live in real estate markets where the properties don't make sense from a cash flow basis. The Cleveland real estate market is one of the most attractive real estate markets for cash flow investors who are working with a modest budget. In the 515th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is working with an out of town real estate investor to help him make an informed decision on a Section 8 property in Cleveland, Ohio. It's very important for investors to take note and make sure they are doing the proper due diligence before buying property out of state in Cleveland, Ohio.
When you are getting started in turnkey real estate investing should you get a home inspection or a cash on cash return real estate analysis? The answer for investors of all kinds is both. Real estate investors should get a home inspection as well as a thorough cash flow analysis whenever they are buying a turnkey investment property. In addition to doing a property inspection and property cash flow analysis on turnkey investment properties real estate investors should perform a building inspection and cash flow analysis on flips, wholesale deals, BRRRR deals, tired landlord deals and any other type of deal out there. The home inspection tells the rental property investor what's going on inside of the 4 walls. The cash flow analysis tells the turnkey buyer what's going on outside of the 4 walls from a business perspective. In the 512th episode James Wise is performing a cash flow analysis on the Cleveland rental property for an out of state turnkey investor. At HoltonWise we help real estate investors from all over the world invest in Cleveland real estate. With over $200 Million in investment property sales in the Cleveland real estate market HoltonWise is the one stop shop for out of state investors looking to buy turnkey rental properties in Cleveland.
Buying foreclosed homes in the ghetto isn't the only way real estate investors can buy cheap houses. In the 506th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show James Wise is helping an out of state real estate investor buy a property with only $20,000 using other people's money to fund the majority of the purchase. This cheap house is located in a stable working class neighborhood that James has had a lot of success in. The area works great for those looking to become long distance landlords as long distance real estate investing is the specialty here at Holton-Wise. At Holton-Wise we have a full service turnkey real estate investing operation for out of state investors to maximize their cash flow opportunities by living where they want and investing where the numbers make sense.