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Tip your Landlord because Getting Evicted Sucks | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Getting evicted from your apartment sucks. Everything about the eviction process sucks. Nobody wants to get evicted from their home. So be smart, pay your rent and don't forget to tip your landlord.




Eviction Day in Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

If you thought stealing rent money from your landlord in Ohio was a good idea, we've got bad news for you. This is Ohio, we don't mess around with evictions in Ohio. You might be able to get away with stealing from your landlord in California, New York, Portland and some of those other woke places to live. Not paying rent doesn't fly in Ohio though. Here in Ohio, when you don't pay your rent, on eviction day we take everything you own and throw it in the trash. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV if you want to see people getting evicted live on camera. From Cincinnati, to Columbus, to Cleveland, to Toledo, to Dayton, to Youngstown, to Akron-Canton, nobody has more live evictions caught on tape than HoltonWiseTV.




Facing Eviction in Toledo? Don't Cry Bro. Change your Life! | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Toledo is literally one of the cheapest places you can live. Toledo, Ohio is one of the most affordable cities in America. Toledo is cheaper than Detroit for God's sake! If you are getting evicted from your house in Toledo, you need to do some serious soul searching and learn how to take accountability for your actions. Don't cry about inflation. Don't cry about your evil landlord. Don't cry about the housing crisis. Don't cry about the rent crisis. It's Toledo, a kid flipping burgers for minimum wage can afford to rent a house in Toledo, Ohio. If you get evicted in Toledo you need to change your life. It's time to stop playing the victim and learn how to be a functioning adult. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about the eviction process in Toledo, Ohio.




Don't Get Evicted in Dayton Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Don't mess around with that eviction notice in Dayton, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio isn't like one of those liberal anti-landlord cities you hear about. You may be able to get away with stealing from your landlord in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, or Portland, but you definitely are not getting away with skipping out on that rent payment in Dayton, Ohio. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see what happens when you get evicted in Dayton, Ohio.




What happens when you get Evicted from your Apartment? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Not knowing what happens when you get evicted from your house or apartment is the only reason a tenant would choose not to pay their rent. If a tenant knows what they are going to have to deal with on eviction day, they make damn sure their rent is paid on time, every time. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more landlording advice.




The Dangers of Buying Out of State Rental Properties in Canton Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Buying out of state rental property in a city like Canton, Ohio can make you a lot of money. Canton, Ohio is a popular city for out of state investors because of how cheap housing in Canton, Ohio is. The thing is, managing these cheap properties in Canton is a lot harder than it sounds. Being successful at out of state real estate investing is as much about buying the properties as it is managing the tenants who live in said properties. In Canton, if you don't have the right local property management team working for you, you could end up having your entire portfolio of properties destroyed by bad tenants.  Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to build a boots on the ground team of property managers, contractors, lenders, and other real estate professionals in the Canton, Ohio real estate market.




What's becoming a Landlord for the first time like in Cleveland Ohio? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Ohio is one of the most affordable states. Ohio is also incredibly landlord friendly. Because of this, many people buy low cost Section 8 housing in Ohio cities like Cleveland. The thing is, being a successful Section 8 investor in Cleveland, Ohio isn't as easy as it sounds. To make money with Section 8 properties in Cleveland landlords need to do a lot of work. As a Section 8 landlord in Cleveland you'll need the Police on speed dial to deal with bad renters, multiple evictions, drug overdoses, homeless squatters, and all kind of other problems that come along with investing in a city with a crime and poverty rate as high as Cleveland's. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about buying Section 8 properties in the Cleveland, Ohio area before becoming a Cleveland landlord for the first time.




Don't mess around with that Eviction Notice | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Facing eviction is not good. When your landlord gives you an eviction notice, you better get your crap together, because the eviction process sucks. Getting evicted from your apartment is something you should avoid at all costs. Be smart, avoid evictions, pay your rent, and don't forget to tip your landlord.




Why you should explain the Eviction Process during Tenant Screening | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

When you are screening tenants you need to be very upfront with them about how evictions work. You need to make sure they understand how horrible eviction day is. You need to let them know that you have every intention of evicting them should they miss even one rent payment. If after you explain your eviction intentions to them, they have a problem with how bad an eviction would be, this is a major tenant screening red flag. The only tenants who have a problem with how terrible it is to get evicted, are the tenants who don't plan on paying their rent every month. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more tenant screening tips for landlords.




Cops are Here! Get Out Now! Live Eviction Caught on Body Cam | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

When the cops show up at your door with an eviction notice, it's time to leave. Are you interested in seeing what happens on eviction day? Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see the entire eviction process caught on tape. Nobody has more live evictions caught on camera than HoltonWiseTV. Subscribe or follow for more evictions caught on camera as well as other interesting real estate investing content.




Landlord Triples Grandma's Rent in Columbus Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Do you want a know how to become a good landlord in Columbus, Ohio? Don't let your tenants take advantage of you. If you show weakness, your tenants will come up with every excuse in the book as to why they can't pay their rent. Lost your job? Who cares, pay your rent. Don't have enough money for groceries? Not the landlord's problem, rent's due. My grandma is sick? Where does she live? We'll buy her apartment building and triple her rent after we evict you. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more advice on being a good landlord in landlord friendly markets like Columbus, Ohio. 




Getting Evicted in Ohio Sucks | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

You done screwed up the moment you thought it was a good idea to steal money from your landlord in Ohio. Here in Ohio, getting evicted sucks. Ohio is a red state. Ohio is landlord friendly. Ohio isn't one of those woke blue states that let entitled tenants steal rent whenever they want. Ohio ain't like California & New York. Cities like Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Toledo and Cleveland are nothing like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, NYC and Portland. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see people getting evicted live on camera. Nobody has more live eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.




Can you Evict a Sick Tenant in Dayton Ohio? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Dayton, Ohio isn't like one of those blue anti-landlord cities you hear about. You likely aren't allowed to evict a sick tenant in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, or Portland, but you can definitely evict a sick tenant in Dayton, Ohio. As a matter of fact, after you evict that sick loser for stealing rent money from you, you may as well teach him a lesson and steal his girlfriend too. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more advice on being a good landlord in Dayton, Ohio. 




You Need Section 8 to Succeed in the Dayton Ohio Real Estate Market | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of Dayton landlords think Section 8 tenants are the worst. Many landlords in Dayton, Ohio refuse to rent their properties to people with Section 8 vouchers. While it's true that Section 8 renters are difficult to manage, Section 8 housing is the key to a rental property owner's success in a city like Dayton, Ohio. In Dayton, the Section 8 tenants are going to be the most reliable way for investors to get their rent paid on time. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in Section 8 real estate in Dayton, Ohio.




No Tip? Evicted! | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

The eviction process sucks. Nobody wants to get evicted from their apartment. It's very important for tenants to keep their landlord's happy. A happy landlord is a good landlord. Make sure you pay your rent and tip your landlord so you don't end up getting evicted.




Getting Evicted is the Worst | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

You done messed up the moment you thought it was a good idea to steal rent money from your landlord. Getting evicted from your apartment is the worst. Getting evicted is worse than an overly aggressive boxing match with the one eyed champ after watching a spicy Taylor Swift music video. Case and point, getting evicted really sucks... A lot. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see people getting evicted live on tape. Nobody has more live renter eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.




Can you Evict a Sick Tenant in Cincinnati Ohio? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Cincinnati, Ohio isn't like those woke anti-landlord cities you hear about. You probably can't evict a sick tenant in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, or Portland, but you can definitely evict a sick tenant in Cincinnati, Ohio. As a matter of fact, after you evict that sick deadbeat for stealing from you, you may as well teach him a lesson and steal his girlfriend. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more advice on rental property investing in Cincinnati, Ohio.




This is why you need Boots on the Ground in Cleveland Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of people seem to think being an out of state investor in Cleveland, Ohio is going to be easy. Most out of state investors see how cheap houses are in Cleveland and think they can't possibly lose any money buying up as many Cleveland properties as possible. These long distance investors think that since the houses cost pennies on the dollar compared to what they can buy in places like New York, Texas or California that there is no way they won't be able to make money. In reality, this is wrong. It's incredibly easy for out of state landlords to lose money buying up properties in Cleveland, Ohio. To be a successful out of state investor in Cleveland you need to have a boots on the ground property management team working on your behalf. Your boots on the ground team needs to understand the city of Cleveland. Your boots on the ground team needs to understand how the Section 8 program works. Your boots on the ground team needs to understand how to properly screen tenants. Your boots on the ground team needs to know how to quickly evict tenants who don't pay rent or follow the rules. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about what it takes to make money buying out of state rental property in Cleveland, Ohio.




HVAC Tips and Tricks for the Dayton Ohio Housing Market | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

One of the benefits of having a real estate team in Dayton, Ohio is having boots on the ground to look at your properties to determine what kind of repairs are needed. Whether you are buying a house in Dayton for buy and hold real estate investing, or as a fix and flip, you'll need to do a real estate analysis to understand how much your acquisition and repair costs are going to be for the particular real estate investing strategy you are using. At HoltonWise we specialize in helping people who are investing in Dayton, Ohio real estate learn how to calculate repair and acquisition costs when they are buying a property. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more real estate investing tips and tricks. On HoltonWiseTV we feature everything from HVAC tips and tricks, to electrical tips and tricks, to plumbing tips and tricks, to property management tips and tricks. HoltonWiseTV is Dayton real estate investing made easy.




How to be a Good Landlord when your Tenant's Grandma Gets Sick | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Paying for people's rent isn't how you become a good landlord. Collecting the rent from all of your tenants is how you get good at being landlord. Tell your tenants that rent's due on the 1st and it doesn't matter if Grandma is sick. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more landlord tips and tricks.




Getting Evicted Sucks... A Lot | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

You done screwed up the moment you thought it was a good idea to steal money from your landlord. Getting evicted sucks... A lot. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see people getting evicted live on camera. Nobody has more live eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.




Eviction Aftermath in Dayton Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Dayton, Ohio is one of the cheapest real estate markets in the USA. The cost of living in Dayton, Ohio is pennies on the dollar when compared to other cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, New York and Portland. Yet there are still a ton of tenants in Dayton who don't want to pay their rent. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see what happens on eviction day when these deadbeats don't pay their bills. Nobody features more eviction footage than HoltonWiseTV.




Stop the Victim Mindset. Inflation isn't why you got Evicted in Cincinnati | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Lots of people love to play the victim and cry about inflation and the affordable housing crisis. If you live in Cincinnati, Ohio you need to stop crying about all of this inflation and housing crisis stuff. You don't live in Los Angeles. You don't live in San Diego. You don't live in New York City. You don't live in Portland. Cincinnati is one of the most affordable cities in the USA. There is no affordable housing crisis in Cincinnati. There is no housing crisis in Cincinnati. Living in Cincinnati, Ohio is dirt cheap. If you are getting evicted from your apartment in Cincinnati, you need to take accountability for your own actions. Stop the nonsense with the victim mindset. Your landlord didn't do anything to you. The housing crisis didn't effect you. If you are getting evicted in Cincinnati it's 100% on you. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more hard truths about the housing market in Cincinnati, Ohio.




It's House Eviction Time! | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

If you thought stealing rent money from your landlord's pocket was a good idea, you're in for a rude awakening. Your landlord is the absolute last person you should be stealing money from. Now that you've committed the crime you're going to do the time. Today is eviction day and it's not going to be fun. Getting evicted is one of the worst experience you can deal with. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV if you want to see what happens to people when they get evicted from their house. On HoltonWiseTV you'll see more landlords evicting people from their homes than anywhere else. HoltonWiseTV is your number 1 resource for live evictions caught on camera.




They Ruined the California Housing Market | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

With all of the new woke housing laws, renting apartments in California is horrible. Real estate in California is no longer something regular people can invest in. Being a real estate investor in California is no longer a viable career path. Being a landlord in California is the worst. California property management company's are facing an uphill battle anytime they have to deal with bad tenants. In California evictions are almost impossible to win because squatters have more rights than property owners. California's new landlord tenant laws are too woke to make any sense. All of the smart real estate investors have already left California with more and more leaving everyday. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see which real estate markets all of the smart California investors are going too.




It's Eviction Day! | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

If you thought stealing money from your landlord was a good idea, we've got a surprise for you. It's eviction day and getting evicted from your apartment is going to suck. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV if you want to know what happens when you get evicted. You'll see more people getting evicted on HoltonWiseTV than anywhere else. HoltonWiseTV is your number 1 resource for live evictions caught on tape.




Getting Evicted Sucks | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Getting evicted from your apartment sucks. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV if you want to know what happens when you get evicted. Nobody has more house eviction videos than HoltonWiseTV.




What should you do if your Tenant can't Pay the Rent because he is Sick? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Do you know how to be a good landlord? Here's a landlord tip for you. If your tenant doesn't pay the rent, you need to evict him immediately. The only time you should do something other than evict your tenant for missing the rent payment is when your tenant misses the rent payment because he got sick. If your tenant doesn't pay his rent because he got sick you should evict him and then start dating his girlfriend. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more landlord tips and tricks.




What happens when you get Evicted from your House? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Getting evicted feels bad. You should do everything you can to avoid getting evicted. Getting evicted from your house is horrible. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV if you want to know how horrible it is to get evicted. Nobody features more evictions caught on tape than HoltonWiseTV.




Section 8 Expert shows you how to find Creative Finance Deals in Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Ohio is one of the best states for Section 8 investing. Buying Section 8 property in Ohio can make you a ton of money. However, what do you do if you don't have enough money to buy Section 8 properties in Ohio? If you can't afford to buy a Section 8 apartment building in Ohio should you give up your dream of becoming a Section 8 housing investor? No, not at all. You need to learn how to find creative finance deals so you can buy Section 8 properties without using any of your own money. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to buy Section 8 real estate with no money down.




Are Section 8 Tenants Destroying Cincinnati? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of landlords in Cincinnati, Ohio think that Section 8 tenants are the worst. Some Cincinnati landlords go so far as to say that Section 8 tenants act like animals. While there is no denying that Section 8 tenants in Cincinnati, Ohio are very difficult to deal with, you've got to understand that the majority of Section 8 tenants in any real estate market are going to be very difficult to deal with. If you want to make money buying affordable housing in Cincinnati, you're going to have to learn how to properly screen and manage Section 8 tenants. You can't change how some Section 8 renters behave, but with the right boots on the ground property management team, you can change the types of Section 8 tenants that get placed in your rental properties. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about how to succeed with Section 8 housing in Cincinnati, Ohio.




Landlords: True Heroes who spend their day's doing the Lord's Work | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

When you think of the greatest heroes of all time, you probably think about your landlord. In this world, there are few people who are as great as landlords. Landlords are the kind of people who men want to be, and women want to be with. Some people go so far as to compare their landlord's to Jesus Christ himself. While it's true that landlords spend their day's doing the Lord's work, landlords aren't actually Jesus Christ...Although, it's easy to see why some people get the two confused.




Bro you've got No Balls if you're getting Evicted from your Home in Dayton | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

You've got to have something wrong with you if you can't afford the rent in Dayton, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio is one of the cheapest cities in the USA. The cost of living in Dayton, Ohio is pennies on the dollar when compared to other real estate markets. This affordable housing crisis everyone is crying about can't possibly apply to people renting apartments in such a dirt cheap city like Dayton, Ohio. If you're getting evicted from your house in Dayton it's not because of the housing crisis. If you're getting evicted from your apartment in Dayton it's not because of the rent crisis. If you're getting evicted from your home in Dayton it's not because of the eviction crisis. If you're getting evicted in Dayton, it's because you are a man who is unable to act like a man. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more advice on the Dayton, Ohio housing market.




This is why you need Boots on the Ground in Toledo Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of people seem to think being an out of state investor in Toledo, Ohio is going to be easy. Most out of state investors see how cheap houses are in Toledo and think they can't possibly lose any money buying up as many Toledo properties as possible. These long distance investors think that since the houses cost pennies on the dollar compared to what they can buy in places like New York, Texas or California that there is no way they won't be able to make money. In reality, this is wrong. It's incredibly easy for out of state landlords to lose money buying up properties in Toledo, Ohio. To be a successful out of state investor in Toledo you need to have a boots on the ground property management team working on your behalf. Your boots on the ground team needs to understand the city of Toledo. Your boots on the ground team needs to understand how the Section 8 program works. Your boots on the ground team needs to understand how to properly screen tenants. Your boots on the ground team needs to know how to quickly evict tenants who don't pay rent or follow the rules. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about what it takes to make money buying out of state rental property in Toledo, Ohio.




Why can't Landlords Evict Single Mothers in Cincinnati? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of people seem to think that the rules don't apply to Cincinnati's single moms. A lot of people think Cincinnati landlords shouldn't evict single moms for not paying their rent. That's not how the real world works. In the real world, everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions, even single mothers living in Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati landlords aren't evil. Cincinnati landlords aren't bad. Cincinnati landlords aren't parasites. There is no housing crisis. There is no rent crisis. There is no eviction crisis. The rent is not too damn high in Cincinnati, Ohio. The world is not out to get single mothers but it's no pay, no stay. If anyone has a problem with landlords evicting single mothers, they are more than welcome to pay that single mother's rent for them. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about the rental property market in Cincinnati, Ohio.




Boys Evicted because they don't know what it means to be a Man | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

How society treats men has changed for the worse. These days being a masculine man is frowned upon. Being a masculine man is now considered toxic. This emasculation of modern man has forever changed the process of how boys become men. This new feminization of men is why men don't want to be men anymore. This lack of masculine men in our society has created an entire generation of emasculated men who don't even know what it means to be a man. The days of young men working hard to bring home the bacon are over. These emasculated men aren't working as hard as they once were, and that has started causing economic problems. Emasculated young men are being evicted left and right because they no longer have the fortitude needed to pay the bills. Stop the rent crisis. Stop the housing crisis. Stop the eviction crisis. Stop increasing men's struggles in society by emasculating them.




Section 8 Tenants are always Shocked when they don't get the Deposit back | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Buying Section 8 rental property will change your life. Section 8 real estate investing will change your net worth by a lot. Investing in Section 8 properties will make you a ton of money if you do it right, and your Section 8 investments will lose you even more money if you do it wrong. On top of the financial implications of investing in Section 8 housing, you're going to learn a lot of stuff about the people who live the Section 8 life. For example, you'll be surprised at how many Section 8 tenants will destroy the homes they are living in. What's even more shocking than the amount of Section 8 renters who ruin their own homes, is the number of Section 8 tenants who think they're still entitled to their security deposit after they've completely destroyed the landlord's property. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about the realities of managing Section 8 tenants in America's most popular Section 8 real estate markets.




What's with Section 8 Renters in Cincinnati? Why do they leave everything? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

If you are going to maximize your Section 8 real estate investments in a city like Cincinnati, you're going to need to understand how Section 8 tenants behave. You'd think that since Section 8 renters are poor they would save everything they own. This is not the case. For whatever reason when you're investing in Section 8 properties in Cincinnati, Ohio, you are going to have to clean up a tsunami of crap whenever your Section 8 tenants move out of your properties. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about buying Section 8 rental property in the Cincinnati real estate market.




Stopping the Eviction Crisis in Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Woke people have it all wrong. The woke mob spends all this time asking how we end the eviction crisis in Ohio. Ohio is one of the cheapest states to live in. There is no eviction crisis in Ohio. There is no housing crisis in Ohio. There is no rent crisis in Ohio. If you are looking for affordable housing, Ohio is where you want to buy a house. The only thing you need to do to stop an eviction in Ohio is pay your damn rent. If you don't, you're getting evicted live on camera. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to see more eviction footage from Ohio.




You didn't get Evicted because the Rent is too damn high in Cincinnati | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

If you live in Cincinnati, Ohio you need to stop crying about the affordable housing crisis. There is no housing crisis in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio is one of the cheapest cities in America. If you are getting evicted from your house in Cincinnati, you've got nobody to blame but yourself. Stop the nonsense with the victim mentality. It's not your landlord's fault that you are too lazy to go to work. It's not your landlord's fault you can't afford the rent. It's not your landlord's fault you waste your money on DoorDash. It's not your landlord's fault you didn't learn how to budget your money properly. If you get evicted from your house or apartment in Cincinnati, it is 100% your fault. No housing crisis. No rent crisis. No eviction crisis. The rent is not too damn high in Cincinnati, Ohio. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more information on the eviction process in Cincinnati, Ohio.




Toledo Landlord Loves Evicting Tenants | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Toledo, Ohio is one of the cheapest cities in America. If you are getting evicted from your apartment in Toledo, Ohio you've got nobody to blame but yourself, so stop acting like the victim of the problem you created. It's not your landlord's fault that you are too lazy to go to work and pay a small amount of rent money every month. If you get evicted in Toledo, it's 100% your fault. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more information on the eviction process in Toledo, Ohio.




I enjoyed Evicting this Cadillac driving Freeloader | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Sometimes evicting people is sad. However, there are times when evicting tenants feels great. Evicting a tenant who refuses to pay rent for no other reason than they think it's ok to steal from their landlord is always fun. Tenants like this love to play the victim and blame their landlord for all of their problems. These types of tenants feel entitled to short their landlord on the rent so they can buy things like a Cadillac Escalade with the rent money. These types of entitled renters are crappy people who need to change their lives. Too bad they didn't change their lives before getting evicted from their apartment. Good luck renting another apartment with an eviction on your record.




Check the Water before Buying any House in Cincinnati Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Do you want some Cincinnati real estate investing advice? The housing stock in Cincinnati, Ohio is very old. A lot of old Cincinnati houses have clogged or broken clay tile drain pipes. When you are buying a house in Cincinnati, make sure you turn on all of the water in the house on your initial walk through. Turning on all the faucets in your house will allow you to check for any water drainage issues before you pay for a home inspection. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more real estate tips and tricks in the Cincinnati real estate market.





I Bought a 24 Unit Building in Ohio with No Money Down | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of investors want to learn how to get into Section 8 real estate in Ohio without using any of their own money. It's not easy to buy Section 8 real estate in Ohio with no money down, but it is possible. With creative financing techniques like seller financing, owner financing, bank financing and bridge financing, buying Section 8 houses houses and Section 8 apartment buildings without using any of your own money is very possible. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to make money buying Section 8 property without using any of your own cash.




Despite being Animals, Section 8 Tenants are the Ghetto's Best Renters | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

A lot of landlords in Dayton, Ohio think that Section 8 tenants are the worst. Some Dayton landlords go so far as to say that Section 8 tenants act like animals. While there is no denying that Section 8 tenants in Dayton, Ohio are very difficult to deal with, you've got to understand that the majority of tenants living in the ghetto are going to be very difficult to deal with. The ghetto tenants who have Section 8 vouchers are actually the best tenants in the ghetto because landlords don't have to evict them for not paying their rent like they do with a lot of the other hood rat tenants in Dayton, Ohio. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about making money with Section 8 rental properties in the Dayton, Ohio real estate market.




Benefits of a Real Estate Team in Columbus Ohio | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

If you are an out of state investor who is buying rental properties in Columbus, you're going to need a boots on the ground real estate team. The benefits of a real estate team in Columbus are endless. Columbus, Ohio is one of the best markets for out of state investors. However, knowing how to find a good rental property in an out of state market is not as easy as it seems. If you don't have a good boots on the ground team in Columbus, you may end up buying the wrong property and dealing with an endless supply of bad tenants. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more information on out of state real estate investing strategies in the Columbus, Ohio real estate market.




Electrical Wiring Tips and Tricks for the Columbus Ohio Housing Market | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

One of the benefits of having a real estate team in Columbus, Ohio is having boots on the ground to look at your properties to determine what kind of repairs are needed. Whether you are buying a house in Columbus for buy and hold real estate investing, or as a fix and flip, you'll need to do a real estate analysis to understand how much your acquisition and repair costs are going to be for the particular real estate investing strategy you are using. At HoltonWise we specialize in helping people who are investing in Columbus, Ohio real estate learn how to calculate repair and acquisition costs when they are buying a property. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more real estate investing tips and tricks. On HoltonWiseTV we feature everything from electrical tips and tricks, to plumbing tips and tricks, to property management tips and tricks. HoltonWiseTV is Columbus real estate investing made easy.




Turn on the Furnace in the Summer | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

Do you want some real estate investing advice? When you are buying rental properties, make sure you check the furnace on your initial property walk through. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the summer, blast the heat as high as it goes. You don't want to pay for a property inspection before you realize that the furnace needs to be replaced. To maximize your real estate investments you need get as much information as possible as early as possible. This way when you make an offer on a seller's property you can justify your offer amount with facts. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more real estate tips and tricks.




Kids Evicted because their Deadbeat Parent's spent the Rent Money on a TV | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

There is nothing worse than a deadbeat parent. Deadbeat parents are the worst human beings on the planet. As a parent, your number 1 priority is to take care of your kids. Taking care of your kids means you need to provide them with food, clothing, and shelter. Being unable to provide your children with a house to live in because you are an irresponsible deadbeat should be a crime. How bad of a parent do you have to be to get evicted from your apartment because you spent your child's rent money on a TV? 




Why do people compare their Landlord's to Jesus? | HoltonWiseTV Highlights

In America there are few people who are held in higher esteem than landlords. Landlords are looked up too by normal citizens. Women want to be with landlords. Men want to be landlords. Children look up to landlords as true American heroes. Recently there has even been a trend of people comparing their landlords to Jesus Christ. While it's true that landlords are out there doing the Lord's work, landlords aren't actually Jesus Christ...Although they are pretty close.




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