The MLS Search & Analysis Show | 2,051-2,100

Jason from Boca Raton is gonna Make Millions Out of State | MLS Search & Analysis 2,100 - 1771 E 37

During the 2,100th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping an out of state investor from Boca Raton, Florida make millions of dollars investing in Ohio real estate properties. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are an investor from Boca Raton who is also interested in getting rich through out of state real estate investing.




Fire your Landlord | MLS Search & Analysis 2,099 - 1100 E 74

Why rent when you can own? Owning real estate is much better than renting real estate. People who own their own home are almost always worth more money than people who rent their own home. During the 2,099th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Ohio real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Rich from Colorado move across the country to find the right house hack that will allow him to be both a homeowner and landlord. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how you can increase your net worth through real estate investing.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,098 - 19317 Raymond

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,097 - 4126 Howlett

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,096 - 4126 Howlett

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,095 - 4126 Howlett

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House Hacking is Horrible | MLS Search & Analysis 2,094 - 13414 Ferris

You can make some money house hacking. In fact, you can make a lot of money with the house hacking strategy. House hacking is how James Wise started out in real estate. The thing is, house hacking, especially in low income neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio can be a very difficult experience. During the 2,094th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Cleveland real estate investing expert James Wise explains the pros and cons of doing a house hack in Cleveland, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in the Cleveland real estate market.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,093 - 9907 Denison

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,092 - 3209 W 90

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,091 - 8900 Denison

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,090 - 8900 Denison

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,089 - 8900 Denison

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,088 - 8900 Denison

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,087 - 153 Longfellow

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The 1st Step to becoming a Millionaire is Buying a Home | MLS Search & Analysis 2,086 - 375 Penfield

If you ask millionaires how they became rich, many will tell you that they become millionaires through real estate investing. Investing in real estate is the easiest way to become a millionaire. Anyone can become a millionaire through real estate even if they don't own a home or have a lot of money. During the 2,086th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, housing expert James Wise goes over how a first time home buyer can learn to become a millionaire step by step. It takes owning just one house to put yourself on a path to becoming a millionaire. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how anyone can learn how to make money and become a millionaire.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,085 - 247 E Raven

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,084 - 134 N Arlington

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,083 - 1103 Middle

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,082 - 1103 Middle

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,081 - 1103 Middle

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,080 - 1103 Middle

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,079 - 321 W 8th

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,078 - 321 W 8th

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Gina is 1031 Exchanging her Money out of California | MLS Search & Analysis 2,077 - 321 W 8th

Gina and her husband Mike want to get their money out of California as fast as possible. These Sacramento investors are finishing up a 1031 Exchange and using the money to buy rental properties out of state. During the 2,077th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, long distance real estate investing expert James Wise is helping the choose an out of state rental property that fits their budget and cash flow goals. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about long distance property investing.




Jason from Boca Raton is getting Filthy Rich w/ $20k Houses | MLS Search & Analysis 2,076 - 321 W 8

If you want to get filthy rich buying affordable housing, you need to pay attention to the 2,076th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, long distance real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Jason from Boca Raton, Florida make bank by buying out of state rental properties for $20,000 a pop. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are living in Florida and are interested in out of state real estate investing in the cheapest states in the USA.




Helping the Air Force Invest in Amherst Ohio | MLS Search & Analysis 2,075 - 1301 Cooper Foster Park

Don't think you can't start your real estate business just because you are on Active Duty. During the 2,075th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, cash flow investing expert James Wise is helping an active duty air office officer run the numbers on a rental property in Amherst, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV more more real estate investing opportunities in the best cash flow markets in the USA.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,074 - 1301 Cooper Foster Park

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,073 - 1301 Cooper Foster Park

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,072 - 1301 Cooper Foster Park

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,071 - 1318 Middle

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How to Invest in Rentals while Active Duty Military | MLS Search & Analysis 2,070 - 1318 Middle

If you'd like to invest in rental properties while you are active duty military you'll want to watch the 2,070th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, rental property investing expert James Wise is helping an active duty military investor build a portfolio of rental properties in best cash flow markets in the USA. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how you can become a real estate investor while serving in the military.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,069 - 1318 Middle

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Helping Malik from Arizona Quit his Job & Live Free | MLS Search & Analysis 2,068 - 112 Longfellow

Would you like to quit your job and still be able to pay your bills? Do you want to quit your job and become a full time real estate investor living off of passive income? Do you want to live with no mortgage because your tenants pay it for you? Do you want your investments to provide you with more hours in the day to do the things you enjoy? During the 2,068th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Ohio real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an investor named Malik put together a house hack in Elyria, Ohio that would allow him to move from Arizona to Ohio to live completely free. With this passive income coming in, Malik will be able to live without having a 9 to 5 job because his tenants will be paying for his mortgage. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about how you can quit your job and live off of your real estate investment income.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,067 - 112 Longfellow

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,066 - 4709 Franklin

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,065 - 1601 Grafton

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Why Mike & Gina Sold EVERYTHING in Commiefornia | MLS Search & Analysis 2,064 - 1601 Grafton

These days it seems like everyone is trying to leave California. Mike & Gina are two investors who sold everything and are leaving California in favor of a more affordable real estate market that isn't so far left tenant friendly. During the 2,064th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Mike & Gina invest the money they made selling their real estate in Sacramento, California in an affordable landlord friendly real estate market. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are trying to escape communism in California and move onto bigger and better opportunities in better rental property markets.




How to Invest in US Real Estate from France | MLS Search & Analysis 2,063 - 1601 Grafton

If you are a French citizen who is considering investing in real estate in the United States, you'll love what you see on the 2,063rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show real estate investing expert James Wise is showing French investors how they can make money investing in US real estate. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in American real estate from abroad.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,062 - 1601 Grafton

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,061 - 1601 Grafton

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Helping Corey from Queens NY Score a Triplex in Ohio | MLS Search & Analysis 2,060 - 1601 Grafton

Housing in New York is out of control. There is no way a blue collar Corrections Officer from Queens can afford to be a real estate investor in New York. As such, Corey from Queens has hired HoltonWise to help him become an out of state investor. During the 2,060th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping Corey from Queens, NY run the numbers on a triplex in Elyria, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are sick and tired of being unable to get into the NY real estate game.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,059 - 1601 Grafton

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,058 - 1120 East

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How to make a lot of Money while Active Duty Military | MLS Search & Analysis 2,057 - 1120 East

Having a side hustle that will make you extra money while you are in the military is a smart way to increase your net worth. Investing in real estate is one of the best ways of building wealth in the military. During the 2,057th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is showing Matt & Brittany how they can make a ton of money buying a three family house while they are active duty military. Matt is in the Air Force & Brittany is in the Navy so not only is James Wise providing them with a real estate deal analysis he is also showing them how HoltonWise can handle all of their day to day property management while they are busy working their day jobs in the military. If you are interested in real estate investing while in the military subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,056 - 1120 East

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,055 - 1120 East

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,054 - 2403 Mira

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Investing Out of State b/c California is too Communist | MLS Search & Analysis 2,053 - 2403 Mira

Landlords are leaving California. Investors are leaving California. A ton of people who value freedom, capitalism and the American way are leaving California. One of those people is JJ. JJ wants to invest in real estate but he knows that Los Angeles, California has become an unaffordable communist wasteland. As such, JJ has hired HoltonWise to help him invest in real estate in Ohio as Ohio is an affordable red state. During the 2,053rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, out of state investing expert James Wise is helping JJ build an out of state real estate empire in Cleveland, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are thinking about leaving California to invest in the best states for landlords.




MLS Search & Analysis 2,052 - 2403 Mira

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MLS Search & Analysis 2,051 - 2403 Mira

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