If you're living in Norwalk, Connecticut and you want to make millions of dollars investing in real estate, you need to pay attention to the 2,050th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, turnkey real estate investing expert James Wise is helping an out of state investor from Norwalk build a multi million dollar rental portfolio out of state. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about out of state rental property investing.
If you want to get filthy rich buying affordable housing, you need to pay attention to the 2,037th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show. During the show, long distance real estate investing expert James Wise is helping Richie from Grand Junction, Colorado make bank by buying out of state rental properties for $50,000 a pop. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are living in Colorado and are interested in out of state real estate investing in the cheapest states in the USA.
Do you want to learn how to start buying real estate without a lot of money? During the 2,031st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, rental property investing expert James Wise is helping Amber from Florida get started in real estate investing out of state with only $20,000. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you'd like help getting your real estate investing business started.
Some people make money wholesaling houses. Others make money flipping houses. During the 2,021st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, property investing expert James Wise is combing both real estate investing strategies into one called wholetailing.
Cleveland, East Cleveland, Memphis, Detroit and other dirt cheap cities in the Midwest attract investors from all over the world. Out of state investors flock to these cities to buy up properties for pennies on the dollar. The thing is, a lot of these out of town investors are getting ripped off by locals who are looking to take advantage of their limited knowledge of the local housing market. During the 2,014th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Ohio real estate investing expert James Wise is going over the details on an East Cleveland, Ohio property listing aimed at scamming money out of long distance investors. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to avoid getting scammed when you are buying houses out of state.
$125,000 for a duplex sounds like a great deal. However, sometimes $125,000 is too much money. During the 2,008th episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Ohio real estate investing expert James Wise is going over the details on a duplex in Elyria, Ohio. While the duplex itself could be a good property, it's priced too high at $125,000. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn more about investing in rental properties in the best cash flow cities in the USA.
Ohio is one of the best states to buy Section 8 rental properties. There are a ton of great Section 8 markets in Ohio for investors from all over the USA to choose from. Lorain, Ohio is a small city in the Cleveland real estate market that works great for out of state investors who are looking for low cost Section 8 apartments to buy. During the 2,003rd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Section 8 investing expert James Wise is helping Mike from Phoenix, Arizona put together a deal on a duplex in Lorain, Ohio that would be the perfect Section 8 investment. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are an out of state investor interested in Section 8 property investing in Ohio.
Alfred wants to flip a house in Cleveland. The thing is, Alfred doesn't live in Cleveland. Alfred is an out of state investor who wants to flip houses in Cleveland remotely. When doing out of state house flips it's very important that you educate yourself on the housing market you are trying to flip properties in. Not understanding a new market is the easiest way to lose a ton of money on an out of state house flip. During the 2,002nd episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Cleveland house flipping expert James Wise is helping Alfred avoid making a $100,000 mistake on a fix and flip deal in Cleveland, Ohio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are interested in doing fix and flip deals in the Cleveland real estate market.
Ohio is one of the best states to buy rental properties. One of the cheapest cities in Ohio is Cleveland. Cleveland, Ohio is a prime time destination for out of state investors looking for cheap cash flow housing. Thing is, there are a ton of shady characters in Cleveland who know this and prey upon out of state investors. There are a ton of Cleveland wholesalers out there who love taking advantage of uneducated investors who don't know anything about the Cleveland market. During the 2,001st episode of The MLS Search & Analysis Show, Cleveland rental property investing expert James Wise is helping an out of state investor from Phoenix, Arizona do a real estate analysis on a Cleveland property that was sent to him by a wholesaler. If Mike didn't hire HoltonWise to do the proper due diligence for him, this wholesaler would have been able to rip him off bigtime. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are an out of state investor who doesn't want to get scammed by wholesalers in Cleveland, Ohio.