Do you think managing Section 8 tenants is easy? Real estate investing gurus may tell you that Section 8 real estate investing is easy money. In reality, nothing about managing Section 8 housing is easy money. Dealing with people that have Section 8 vouchers is a crazy job. Section 8 housing is not for the faint of heart. When you are a Section 8 landlord you're going to deal with some pretty weird situations. Take the 150th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show for example. During the show, we've got some drunk tenant calling in to the HoltonWise property management office to demand $750 million dollars. This Section 8 tenant's behavior may seem crazy to you, but it's just another day at the HoltonWise property management office. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn the truth about buying Section 8 housing. From live evictions caught on tape, to squatters getting evicted by police to some of the craziest renters you've ever seen, we show it all to you on HoltonWiseTV. If after seeing the realities of Section 8 real estate investing you'd like to partner with a turnkey Section 8 company to build your own Section 8 empire contact HoltonWise today. With thousands of Section 8 units, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground experiences to make your Section 8 investing as painless as possible.
When you're getting free rent from Uncle Sam, you'd think you wouldn't trash your landlord's house, right? Wrong. Section 8 tenants destroy property all the time. If you are thinking about investing in Section 8 housing make sure you watch the 149th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show first. During the show, the HoltonWiseTV team is providing Section 8 landlords with a real life look at a Section 8 housing tour after a Section 8 eviction. Seeing what some Section 8 tenants will do to your house may give you pause when it comes to buying Section 8 housing. If after watching the post eviction day carnage, you are still interested in Section 8 real estate investing, reach out to HoltonWise. HoltonWise specializes in helping new real estate investors learn about Section 8 property management. With a Section 8 portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 units, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground experience to help Section 8 landlords like you maximize the amount of money you can make investing in Section 8 housing.
If you've watched an eviction caught on tape, you know that evictions are shocking. Evictions are scary. Evictions are unfortunate. Evictions cost a landlords lot of money. Evictions make people homeless. But what you don't often see is what happens after the eviction process. What do Section 8 houses look like after a tenant is evicted? What do landlords need to do after a Section 8 renter from hell trashes their property? In the 148th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is giving viewers a first person look at the shocking eviction day aftermath caused by bad Section 8 renters. If you are interested in starting your own Section 8 real estate investing company, and would like to work directly with a Section 8 property management company that has helped 1,000's of real estate investors learn about investing in Section 8 housing, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is managing Section 8 housing made easy.
If you have ever been involved in the eviction process, you know that evictions are horrible for everyone involved. Evictions are bad for the landlord. Evictions are bad for the renters. If you've never been involved in the eviction process, buckle up. Here on the 147th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is giving viewers a look at the shocking aftermath of evictions gone wrong. You'll get a first hand look at why evictions are so bad for landlords. You'll get a first person view of just how bad renters from hell can trash a house. You'll get a live look at what a property management company needs to fix to get a property back to being rent ready. If you are interested in investing in rental properties and would like to work directly with a company that has helped 1,000's of real estate investors learn about real estate investing, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is property management made easy.
Bad renters got to go! What makes a good renter a bad renter? For starters, not paying their rent. If you can't pay we'll take it away. Non pay evictions are the most common type of eviction we do at HoltonWise. However, there are other things bad tenants do besides skipping out on their rent payments. In the 146th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show you'll see it all. From tenants destroying houses, to eviction nightmares, to horrible renters caught on tape live. We don't hold back on showing you the things nightmare tenants do to landlords. If you are interested in learning about managing tenants subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to see what you are getting yourself into. From live evictions caught on tape to squatters getting kicked out by police to angry tenants going nuts on their landlord's, we show it all to you on HoltonWiseTV.
Being a landlord is a tough job. Being a Section 8 landlord is an even tougher job. When you are working as a Section 8 landlord, you are most likely going to be working in high crime neighborhoods. During the 145th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team gives viewers some insight into what it's like working as a Section 8 property manager in some very dangerous neighborhoods in Cleveland, Ohio. With a murder rate that is more than 6 times the national average, Cleveland, Ohio is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States of America. Combine Cleveland's high crime rate with the fact that evicting people is already one of the most dangerous jobs in America and you've got yourself a very risky profession. If you would like to invest in Section 8 real estate in the Cleveland market, but don't want to deal with the dangers that come along with being a property manager, reach out to HoltonWise today. If you would like to learn about the Section 8 property management business, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV. Nobody has more real life Section 8 training than HoltonWiseTV. From live evictions caught on tape, to squatters being evicted, to Section 8 tips and tricks, HoltonWiseTV is your number 1 resource for investing in Section 8 housing.
The eviction process is tough. The eviction process is brutal. The eviction process is scary. But most importantly, the eviction process is necessary, because the landlord needs to get paid. Nobody provides more evictions caught on tape than HoltonWiseTV. In the 144th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting viewers with a compilation of nightmare evictions caught on camera along with some nightmare tenant nonsense sprinkled in. If you are brand new to property management, this live eviction footage may scare you. This live eviction footage may make you think twice about buying rental properties. But most importantly, this live eviction footage is going to educate you on the realities of the property management industry. If you are interested learning about how to be a property manager, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. If you are interested in starting your own real estate investment company, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless investors from all over the world learn how to make money with real estate investing. With a rental portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 tenants, HoltonWise has the infrastructure and experience to help you properly manage your low income real estate investments.
What happens if you don't pay your rent? You get evicted! Do you know what time it is? It's eviction time. At HoltonWise, it's no pay, no stay. Tenants who don't pay their rent gotta go. Squatters gotta go. Bad tenants gotta go. Problem tenants gotta go. Junkie tenants gotta go. Crackhead tenants gotta go. In the 143rd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting viewers with a compilation of live evictions caught on camera along with some other footage of renters gone wild. If you are new to real estate investing, these real life evictions are sure to shock you. If you are considering not paying your rent, these evictions caught on camera are sure to make you think twice about screwing over your landlord. The chaos that happens during the eviction process is something you've got to see to believe. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for all things evictions. There is no better way to learn about managing rental properties than seeing all of the eviction day chaos live on camera.
Are you interested in a career in property management? Is managing rental properties your calling? Are you trying to become the next millionaire landlord? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place here on HoltonWiseTV. In the 142nd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team brings viewers into a day in the life of a Section 8 property manager. It's not all fun and games in the property management business. Being a property manager is a very difficult job. A property manager's duties include a lot of difficult tasks like evicting people, cleaning up trashed houses, and dealing with dead bodies. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for all things real estate investing. Here on HoltonWiseTV we show you the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to investing in real estate and managing a portfolio of rental properties. From live evictions caught on tape, to police evicting squatters, to real estate investment opportunities, we've got it all on HoltonWiseTV.
Who's ready for some more nasty eviction footage caught on camera? In the 141st episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting viewers with a tour of some of the nastiest evictions caught on camera. This gut-wrenching eviction video is sure to make your stomach turn. These eviction videos are sure to make any would be landlord rethink their property management situation. If you are interested in learning all about investing in real estate, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today.
Section 8 real estate investing can make you a lot of money. Buying Section 8 houses can make you rich. Being a Section 8 landlord can make you a millionaire. All of these statements about investing in Section 8 housing are true. The thing is, that's not the whole truth when it comes to Section 8 rental properties. The thing most new real estate investors seem to forget about is how hard it is to manage tenants who have Section 8 vouchers. Managing Section 8 renters is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. During the 140th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team takes you on a first person tour of a day in the life of a Section 8 property manager with experience managing 1,000's of Section 8 units. If you've thought about becoming a Section 8 real estate investor, make sure you see what you are really getting into before you spend your hard earned money. Here on HoltonWiseTV you'll see it all. The good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to Section 8 real estate. From Section 8 evictions caught on tape, to houses that are health hazards, to police kicking out squatters, to bad renters destroying landlord's houses. We bring all of the shocking eviction footage to you in an uncensored way. If after all of that, you still think buying Section 8 properties is for you, reach out to HoltonWise. HoltonWise specializes in helping people like you create wealth through real estate. Creating wealth through real estate is what we do. HoltonWise is real estate investing made easy.
If you want to learn how to become a property manager you're in luck. Here on HoltonWiseTV we teach people all about property management. But, unlike your typical property management 101 course, we don't give you any vanilla property management training. On HoltonWiseTV we show you a real day in the life of a property manager. If you are going to be a property manager that operates in the ghetto, the typical property manager duties include collecting rent, dealing with nightmare tenants and evictions. Lots and lots of evictions. In the 139th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV crew is taking viewers into a day in the life of a property manager that has 1,000's of Section 8 tenants. On HoltonWiseTV you'll see everything from evictions caught on tape, to evictions gone wrong, to hoarders destroying properties, to the most shocking eviction footage you've ever seen. Running a property management business in the hood is not easy, but HoltonWiseTV makes learning how to be a property manager as transparent as possible. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for evictions caught on camera, Section 8 real estate investing advice and real estate investment opportunities.
Who's ready for some more evictions caught on tape? In the 138th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting viewers with a compilation of evictions caught on camera that all have something in common. Do you know these evictions have in common? They smell. These evictions smell like crap. The houses smell like actual crap, because these houses have actual crap inside of them. Animal crap? Probably. Human crap? Maybe. You never know what you're going to see on The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. Subscribe today!
When you are documenting the life of a property manger with 1,000's of Section 8 tenants, you're going see something crazy just about every day. In the property management business, there are no slow days. In property management, there is always something exciting going down. Whether it's a live eviction caught on tape, squatters getting kicked out by police, tenants attacking their landlords, or somebody being arrested for committing a crime, we've got it all here for you on The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. Oftentimes we describe The Tenants From Hell Show as being something similar to the TV show COPS, but for landlords. Well in the 137th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the TV show COPS and HoltonWiseTV collide so to speak. Watch live as the Police arrest someone for attempting to steal a car from the HoltonWiseTV parking lot in broad daylight.
In the real estate industry, not paying your rent, being a jerk to your landlord, and ignoring the lease terms are offenses that are considered especially heinous. In Cleveland, Ohio, the dedicated property managers who evict people who commit these vicious lease violations are members of an elite squad known as The Holton-Wise Property Group. These are their stories. This is the 136th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for countless evictions caught on tape, live footage of bad renters, landlord tips for renting a house to good tenants so you can learn how to avoid evictions, real estate investment opportunities, and much more. HoltonWiseTV is here to provide property management training to landlords and property managers who want to create wealth through real estate. HoltonWiseTV is real estate investing made easy.
Evicting tenants is a dirty job but someone's gotta do it. If you don't pay your rent, you are going to get evicted by your landlord or property manager. If you are wondering what eviction day looks like, look no further than the 135th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show. During the show, the HoltonWiseTV team is showing you an eviction day montage. These evictions are all 100% real. The eviction day footage you see here is live footage of actual renters being evicted. There is no eviction day footage re-creations or anything of that nature. Nobody provides more eviction process content than HoltonWiseTV. If you are interested in live evictions caught on camera, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today.
Evicting tenants is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it. If you don't pay, you don't stay. The landlord needs to get paid or their renter ends up on a one way trip to eviction town. In the 134th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting viewers with a compilation of live tenant evictions caught on camera. These real life tenant evictions are what happens when tenants think they can steal from their landlord. These evictions caught on tape are shocking. These evictions caught on tape are brutal. These evictions caught on tape are rough. But most importantly, these evictions caught are tape are necessary. Nobody gets a free ride. If you steal from your landlord, it's eviction time, end of story. If you are interested learning about the property management business, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. If you are interested in starting your own rental property management, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless investors learn how to make money with rental property investing. With a real estate portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 units, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground infrastructure and experience to help you make money with rental properties.
Cleaning out Section 8 housing after evictions is pretty gross. Often times cleaning out Section 8 houses after bad tenants are evicted involves some seriously disgusting work for property manager. In fact, killing bed bugs and cockroaches is all part of a day in the life of a property manager. In the 133rd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is providing viewers with a first hand look at some of the nasty things Section 8 landlords have to deal with after evicting bad tenants. Make sure you subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for a real life look at Section 8 real estate investing. HoltonWise is one of the largest Section 8 landlords in the Cleveland real estate market. With 1,000's of Section 8 rental units under management, HoltonWise is able to help investors from all over the world learn the truth about real estate investing. With countless evictions caught on tape as well as Section 8 investment opportunities and property management tips for landlords, HoltonWiseTV has a little something for everyone looking to learn about managing low income housing.
Squatters, squatters whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you...Squatters! If you like the TV show Cops, you'll love the Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. The Tenants From Hell Show is kind of like the TV show Cops, but instead of arresting dirt bags, we evict them. Instead of taking criminals to jail, we kick them out of our rental properties. In the 132nd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is providing viewers with a first hand look at what happens to houses after bad tenants are evicted. Ya see, once a house in a low income neighborhood has an eviction, that vacant house becomes a target for criminals. That vacant house becomes a target for vandals. That vacant house becomes a target for squatters. The worst part about people squatting in your houses is something called squatters rights. Often times, squatters have rights that force landlords to evict them just like they had to evict their dirtbag tenants in the first place. The whole thing can feel like a vicious cycle. If you've been thinking about investing in low income houses, make sure you are watching The Tenants From Hell Show so you know what you are getting yourself into. From countless live evictions caught on tape, to investment property breakdowns to landlord tips & tricks, HoltonWiseTV is here to help investors survive investing in low income housing. With a portfolio of thousands of Section 8 rental units and hundreds of evictions under our belt, HoltonWise has the tools, resources & experience to help people get started in real estate investing. HoltonWise is Section 8 investing made easy.
Evictions are a regular part of the day in the life of a landlord who manages rental properties in low income neighborhoods. Sure, lots of money can be made investing in low income housing, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy. If you've ever seen a live eviction caught on camera, you know that evictions are shocking. Evictions are bad. Evictions are scary. Evictions are heartbreaking. But above all, evictions are costly. To get a true idea of the actual costs landlords face when managing a rental property in a low income neighborhood after an eviction, you need to see what actually happens to low income houses after bad tenants are evicted. In the 131st episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is giving viewers a tour of a house that was taken over by squatters. Unfortunately the footage you are about to see is what happens to a lot of low income housing after the landlord is done evicting tenants. Oftentimes, Squatters will come in and begin squatting in houses all over low income neighborhoods. While squatting in these homes, squatters often destroy the house and the neighborhood with it. To add insult to injury many real estate markets have landlord tenant laws that provide squatters rights to these criminals that forces the landlord to start the eviction process all over again before kicking out the squatters. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV if you are interested in learning property management tips and tricks to help you deal with the world's worst tenants, squatters who won't leave, Section 8 housing and much more. HoltonWiseTV is investing in low income housing made easy.
If you've ever seen an eviction caught on tape, you know that evictions are brutal. Evictions are shocking. Evictions are ugly. Evictions cost a lot of money. Evictions create homelessness. But what you don't usually see is what happens after a deadbeat tenant is evicted. What do houses look like after a tenant is evicted? Who picks up all of the pieces after a renter from hell trashes their landlord's house? In the 130th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is giving viewers a first person look at the post eviction day carnage created by horrible tenants. If you are interested in starting your own real estate investment business and would like to work directly with a company that has helped 1,000's of real estate investors learn about Section 8 housing, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is investing in Section 8 housing made easy.
If you don't think being a landlord is a dangerous job, you've got a lot to learn about the property management business. During the 129th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, we discuss the horrific murder and dismemberment of a Chicago landlord. In a shocking chain of events, Chicago tenant Sandra Kolalou has been charged with killing her landlord Frances Walker. Chicago Police alleged that after she killed her landlord, Sandra Kolalou cut her landlord's body up using a butcher knife and then stuffed her dismembered body parts in her freezer.
If you're wondering what happens during an eviction, you don't want to miss the 128th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. The HoltonWiseTV team has caught the entire eviction process on camera for your viewing pleasure. With this director's cut of a live eviction caught on tape, you'll get to see all of the action on eviction day in a condensed version that is about half the time of the extended version we published in episode 127 of The Tenants From Hell Show. From the housing court bailiffs enforcing the court ordered eviction, to the movers putting everything the tenant owns on the curb, to the HoltonWise team changing the locks so the tenant can't get back inside of the house, you won't miss anything related to this live eviction caught on camera. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more information on the real life experiences of property managers and real estate investors who invest in Section 8 housing in the most affordable real estate markets in the USA. From countless evictions caught on tape, to Section 8 property management tips & tricks, HoltonWiseTV has it all. If you are interested in starting your own real estate investment company, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless investors learn how to make money through real estate investing in Section 8 rental properties. With a rental portfolio consisting of 1,000's of affordable housing units, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground resources you need to help you properly grow your real estate empire.
If you're wondering what happens during an eviction, you don't want to miss the 127th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. The HoltonWiseTV team has caught the entire eviction process on camera for your viewing pleasure. With this extended cut of a live eviction caught on tape, you won't miss a moment of the action on eviction day. From the housing court bailiffs enforcing the court ordered eviction, to the movers putting everything the tenant owns on the curb, to the HoltonWise team changing the locks so the tenant can't get back inside of the house, you won't miss anything related to this live eviction caught on camera. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more information on the real life experiences of property managers and real estate investors who invest in Section 8 housing in the most affordable real estate markets in the USA. From countless evictions caught on tape, to Section 8 property management tips & tricks, HoltonWiseTV has it all. If you are interested in starting your own real estate investment company, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless investors learn how to make money through real estate investing in Section 8 rental properties. With a rental portfolio consisting of 1,000's of affordable housing units, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground resources you need to help you properly grow your real estate empire.
Bad tenants, bad tenants, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they rent from you...Bad tenants. Crappy tenants make property management an interesting job, that's for sure. In the 126th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is giving viewers an uncensored look into a day in the life of a property manager who operates a rental property portfolio of affordable housing units in the greater Cleveland, Ohio area. To be honest, filming the daily activities of a Section 8 property manager is a lot like filming the daily activities of the police. So if you loved the show Cops on TV, you'll probably love The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. Speaking of cops, we've got some police officers helping the HoltonWise team in this eviction video compilation as well. You'll see it all here on HoltonWiseTV. We've got countless evictions caught on camera, to squatters being evicted, to deadbeat tenants fighting each other, to hoodrats getting kicked out of our apartment buildings to real estate investment education that you won't get anywhere else. If you are interested learning about the affordable housing management business, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. If you are interested in starting your own real estate rental company, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless Section 8 investors learn how to make money with real estate investing. With a rental portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 rentals, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground to help you properly manager your real estate investments.
All evictions are bad, but some evictions are worse than others. Sometimes bad tenants go the extra mile when it comes to making their landlord's life a living nightmare before eviction day. The 125th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show features uncensored and uncut footage of the worst eviction caught on tape. If you think you've seen bad evictions caught on camera before, think again. This eviction footage is truly shocking. This eviction footage is beyond anything you've seen before. This eviction footage captures the world's worst eviction. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for the a real life look at the property management industry. From the most shocking eviction content, to landlord tips and tricks to real estate investment opportunities, HoltonWiseTV has it all.
Do you know what time it is? It's eviction time. If you don't pay your rent, you're getting kicked out of your landlord's house, it's that simple. In the 124th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting viewers with a compilation of evictions caught on camera. These real life evictions are sure to turn your stomach. These evictions caught on tape are nasty. These evictions caught on tape are smelly. These evictions caught on tape are gross. But most importantly, these evictions caught are tape are real. Evicting people who don't pay their rent is all part of a day in the life of a property manager. If you are interested learning about the property management business, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. If you are interested in starting your own real estate investment company, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless investors learn how to make money with real estate investing. With a rental portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 housing units, HoltonWise has the infrastructure and experience to help you properly manage your real estate investments.
Do you have what it takes to deal with Section 8 tenants? Do you have the ability to deal with some of the most difficult people in some of the worst neighborhoods in America? If you want to make money with Section 8 real estate investing, you'll need to develop a thick skin to be able to manage your Section 8 empire. Or, you'll need to hire a Section 8 property management company that can handle all of your Section 8 houses for you. Nobody provides more insight into the lifestyle of a Section 8 property manager than HoltonWise. HoltonWise is one of the largest Section 8 landlords in the Cleveland real estate market. With 1,000's of Section 8 rentals and countless evictions caught on tape, HoltonWiseTV is the number one resource for housing investors looking to learn how to invest in section 8 housing. In the 123rd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWise team is presenting viewers with a typical day in the life of a Section 8 property manager. In order to implement a successful Section 8 investment strategy, you'll need to be able to handle Section 8 tenants who get evicted and destroy your houses. Unfortunately evictions and trashed houses are all normal occurrences when you're collecting rent from people living in some of America's sketchiest neighborhoods. If you are interested in buying Section 8 apartments but don't think you've got the stomach to handle the bad tenants that can come along with Section 8 housing, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is one of the top Section 8 management companies in the USA. HoltonWise has the tools and resources you need to acquire, manage, and grow your Section 8 holdings.
Living that Section 8 life sounds great until you realize how much work is involved with managing Section 8 rental properties. Sure, Section 8 real estate investing can make you rich, but that doesn't mean that Section 8 houses are easy money. No, the truth about Section 8 property management is that Section 8 tenants are very tough to deal with. Managing people with Section 8 vouchers is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Section 8 property managers are some of the hardest working people you'll ever see. If you'd like some insight into a typical day in the life of a Section 8 property manager, you'll love the 122nd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show. During the show, Section 8 landlord James Wise provides a first hand account of what it's like dealing with people who live in Section 8 housing. Stories include, the time one of his tenants got a bed bug infestation and threw their bed bug infested couch through out of the 3rd floor of an apartment building and into their neighbors window as well as the time the USPS refused to deliver mail to one of his apartment building's because one his his tenants kept getting drunk and pooping his pants, making the entire building stink like crap so bad that the mailman refused to enter it to deliver the other tenant's mail. If you're interested in learning about investing in Section 8 housing, tune in to HoltonWiseTV today. If you are interested in starting your own Section 8 investment property business, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is one of the top Section 8 property management companies in the USA. With a portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 rentals, HoltonWise has the boots on the ground tools and resources needed to help Section 8 real estate investors build a portfolio of Section 8 income properties.
The media would have you believe that most landlords are bad. Most landlords are parasites. Most landlords are evil. Most landlords are bastards. Most landlords are thieves. Most landlords are scumbags. Most landlords are greedy. Most landlords are crooks. Most landlords are scalpers. Most landlords are large multi million dollar corporations. In reality, none of that is true. In reality, most landlords are average Joe's. Average Joe's who have to evict bad renters because they are being stolen from. Average Joe's who need to evict tenants who have no sense of personal responsibility. Average Joe's who have to turn to the eviction process to stop bad renters from destroying what they have worked hard for. Average Joe's who are trying to do the right thing and feed their families. We don't play the landlord blame game here on HoltonWiseTV. Here on HoltonWiseTV, we are committed to exposing the truth about the property management business. Here on HoltonWiseTV, we are committed to giving landlords a fair and honest platform to tell their side of the story. The footage in the 121st episode of The Tenants From Hell Show features a heartbreaking post eviction walkthrough done by a landlord named RJ and his sister Amy. It's heartbreaking to see a deadbeat renter take advantage of people like RJ and Amy. RJ and Amy are just your average Joe's trying to do the right thing, and work hard to feed their families through real estate investing. If you are a landlord who is sick and tired of the cancel rent movement subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. If you are a property owner who has an eviction caught on camera that you would like to have featured on HoltonWiseTV, send an email to HoltonWiseTV is the number one resource for true and accurate coverage of live evictions caught on camera.
Section 8 real estate investing can make you a lot of money if you know how to properly manage Section 8 renters. The thing is, not all Section 8 landlords know how to handle tenants with Section 8 vouchers. The truth is, when you are investing in section 8 rental properties you are going to be dealing with a lot of very difficult tenants. When you are buying Section 8 rental property you are going to have a very difficult job getting your Section 8 renters to take care of your Section 8 houses. In the 120th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, millionaire Section 8 landlord James Wise provides beginner real estate investing advice for all of those looking to get rich with Section 8 investing. With a backdrop of eviction aftermath caught on tape, trashed Section 8 properties, dangerous neighborhoods and Section 8 property managers doing their property inspections James Wise explains what it takes to make money investing in Section 8 real estate. Additionally James Wise goes over why many Section 8 investors lose money by going over what these new Section 8 real estate investors are doing wrong with their Section 8 wrong with their Section 8 rental property portfolios. If you are interested in getting started with a Section 8 investment property portfolio, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is one of the top Section 8 consulting companies in the USA. With a portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 units, HoltonWise has the tools and resources needed to help Section 8 real estate investors maximize their return on investment.
It's time to put a stop to all of the victim blaming when it comes to evictions. The thing is, who the victim is during the tenant eviction process is going to be very different based on who you are talking to. Tenants always seem to think the landlord is the bad guy. Tenants think landlords are evil. Tenants think landlords are crooks. Tenants think landlords are parasites. The left wing media doesn't help with the landlord vilification either. If you watch most media coverage of the rental property business, you might start to think that the cancel rent movement is on to something. Here on HoltonWiseTV we don't buy into any of that landlords are bad crap that's out there. In fact, here on HoltonWiseTV we are committed to exposing the truth about the property management business. On HoltonWiseTV we are committed to publishing tenant eviction videos to expose the general public to what actually happens during the eviction process. In the 119th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, landlord advocate James Wise breaks down why he loves evictions because evictions are the only way landlords can save themselves from bad tenants who are stealing from them. With a backdrop of shocking evictions caught on tape, you'll be able to see what the main stream media isn't telling you about the landlord tenant relationship. The shocking footage you'll see from numerous evictions caught on camera is likely going to surprise you as you've been programmed to believe that renters are the victims on eviction day. In reality, during the majority of eviction cases it's the landlord who is being victimized by bad renters. On top of that, the majority of landlords are not evil corporations like many would lead you to believe. In fact, the majority of landlords are small mom and pop landlords who are just regular people. Regular people who have to evict bad renters because they are being stolen from. Regular people who need to evict tenants who have no sense of personal responsibility. Regular people who have to turn to the eviction process to stop bad renters from destroying what they have worked hard for. Regular people who are trying to do the right thing and create additional income for their families are the bad guys? No, not here on HoltonWiseTV they aren't. When you watch real videos of people being evicted, you can clearly see that the landlords are actually the victims on eviction day, not deadbeat tenants.
What have you heard about Section 8 real estate investing? Have you heard that buying Section 8 houses is a great way to make money? Have you heard that investing in Section 8 housing is a great way to get rich? Or, have you heard that buying Section 8 houses isn't worth it? Have you heard that buying Section 8 houses is dangerous? Have you heard that buying Section 8 properties is too much trouble? What is the truth when it comes to investing in Section 8 rental property? If you've had any of these Section 8 investing questions, you're in luck. Here on HoltonWiseTV we specialize in Section 8 housing investments. With a portfolio of thousands of Section 8 units, HoltonWise is a team of seasoned and experienced Section 8 property management professionals. HoltonWise is here to assist real estate investors who want to learn how to succeed in Section 8 investing. Do you want to invest in Section 8 housing? If you do want to get started in Section 8 real estate investing you'll love the 118th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show. During the show, the HoltonWise team is exposing all of the Section 8 housing secrets that other real estate investment companies won't tell you about. You'll see live footage of a real Section 8 housing tour that may shock you. Seeing the way that Section 8 renters live can be a shock to the system. Many people in America are not used to seeing how badly some of these Section 8 tenants treat their houses. Many new real estate investors are shocked to find out how hard it is to deal with tenants who have a Section 8 voucher. Section 8 is buyer beware. You don't want to make the mistake of getting yourself in over your head by buying Section 8 houses before you know what you'll be dealing with when it comes to managing your Section 8 rental property portfolio. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV to learn how to make money with section 8 housing despite all of the problems that come with the lifestyle that many Section 8 tenants live. HoltonWise is getting rich through Section 8 real estate made easy.
Pay your rent, or get evicted by the cops and your landlord. It's that simple folks. Some tenants just don't understand that it's no pay, no stay. Ironically, a lot of the deadbeat tenants who don't understand that they need to pay their rent or they'll get evicted by their landlord and the police have Section 8 vouchers that cover a large majority of their rental payments with government money. These Section 8 tenants tend to learn things the hard way. These Section 8 renters tend to lack respect for the owner of the property. These Section 8 people tend not to treat the home the same way a homeowner would, which leads to a lot of trashed houses before eviction day occurs. Because of how difficult Section 8 renters tend to be, dealing with bad renters can be the worst part of investing in Section 8 rental properties. Sure the money is great when it comes to Section 8 housing investments, but it's one of the hardest ways to make money in real estate. In the 117th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team takes viewers on a typical day in the life of a Section 8 property manager where we go need to work with the police to evict a deadbeat renter from a landlord's house. Additionally the HoltonWiseTV team takes would be landlord's on a tour of a house that was trashed by jobless renters who have no respect for other people's property. Unfortunately, these types of occurrences are all to common when investors are dealing with jobless renters who live in affordable housing that is mostly paid for by the taxpayers. If you are interested in learning about Section 8 real estate investing without all of the fluff and lies that some turnkey providers or the mainstream media tell you, subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. HoltonWiseTV is committed to exposing the true life realities of being a Section 8 landlord. From live evictions caught on tape to Section 8 eviction day drama, to police removing squatters, to the aftermath of the world's worst evictions, to bad renters exposed, to property management tips for landlords, to free real estate investment education, HoltonWiseTV is the number one resource for landlords looking to learn how to become a millionaire through real estate investing.
Section 8 isn't a housing voucher. Section 8 is a lifestyle. Living the Section 8 life takes commitment. Investing in Section 8 rental properties can be scary. Buying Section 8 rental properties can be dirty. Owning Section 8 houses can be stressful. Managing Section 8 tenants can be dangerous. Spending large amounts of money on a business you have no knowledge or experience in can be a very risky investment strategy. Don't you worry your pretty little real estate investing head though, HoltonWise is here for you. As a large Section 8 real estate investment company, with more live evictions caught on tape than most anyone, HoltonWise is the number one resource for new and experienced investors and landlords looking to get into the Section 8 housing business. In the 116th Episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is showing you some of that Section 8 lifestyle. You'll be shocked to see what some Section 8 homes end up looking like after bad Section 8 renters have liver there for awhile. We even show you live footage of a junkie squatter being evicted from an apartment building basement by the Police and the HoltonWise property management team. From evicting squatters, to fixing up properties after tenants have been evicted to dealing with jobless renters who destroy landlord's homes, HoltonWiseTV exposes everything the property management business has to offer. Earning passive income is the name of the game. Helping Section 8 landlords fight for that passive income is what HoltonWise does. If you are interested in passively investing in Section 8 real estate, reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise has helped countless investors like you learn the ropes of the affordable housing business. From Section 8 property acquisition, to eviction services, to tenant screening and leasing, to full service Section 8 consulting and property management, to Section 8 rental property insurance, we do it all here at HoltonWise. HoltonWise is investing in Section 8 housing made easy.
Are you looking for the worst live footage of actual evictions caught on tape? Look no further than The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. As one of the largest Section 8 landlords in our real estate market, the HoltonWiseTV team is able to capture some of the craziest evictions you'll ever see on camera. At HoltonWise we have a fully staffed property management team fighting for landlords who need help evicting bad renters and junkie squatters out of their distressed rental properties. In the 115th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, you will see raw footage that takes you behind the scenes of our property management working with the Police to evict hood rat squatters out of distressed landlord's apartment buildings. At HoltonWise, we like to have the cops or bailiffs at the scene on eviction day as evicting squatters and renters from hell can get rather dangerous. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for a behind the scenes look at live evictions caught on camera, cops evicting bad renters, junkie squatters, gross houses, gross apartments, thousands of dollars in property damage, the Section 8 lifestyle, unique personalities and much more. HoltonWiseTV is property management exposed.
Not all landlords grew up rich. Believe it or not, most real estate investors are self made businessmen and businesswomen. The fact that not all landlords started out rich may be surprising to you, as the liberal left wing media and housing advocates consistently paint landlords as wealthy people who inherited millions of dollars to build their real estate portfolio. In reality, the notion that most landlords inherited their rental properties couldn't be further from the truth. In the 114th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, self made millionaire landlord James Wise provides viewers with a very unique insight into the Section 8 property management business that made him rich. Managing Section 8 rental properties is a very difficult job that often includes tenants not paying rent, evicting people, properties being trashed by bad renters, properties being broken into by squatters, tenants dealing with drug addiction, tenants committing crime, rental properties being ruined with vandalism, houses infested with beg bugs and much more. Having grown up in Cleveland himself, James Wise paints the picture of what it's like to live in Cleveland vs how rich people live. James Wise explains how he got started in real estate investing in the Cleveland real estate market despite not starting out with any money. James Wise explains what it's like to go from growing up in a rough neighborhood to being on of the largest landlords in the very same neighborhood. If you are interested in learning what a day in the life of a self made millionaire landlord really looks like, tune in to HoltonWiseTV. HoltonWiseTV is pulling back the curtain on the real estate investment industry. From evictions caught on tape, to evictions gone bad, to evictions gone wrong to fixing up fixing up houses destroyed by renters from hell, you'll see everything the property management industry has to offer. HoltonWiseTV is committed to showing viewers the good, bad and the ugly aspects of the real estate business.
Are Section 8 tenants always the best tenants? Do Section 8 tenants always pay rent? Do you know what it is like to invest in out of state Section 8 rental real estate? The 113th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show delivers the uncut version of what it is like to be a Section 8 landlord who works with Section 8 housing in the roughest and most distressed neighborhoods in the United States. Property values are low, tenants are unpredictable, danger at every turn, property and animals are mistreated. What would you do with a Section 8 property like this if you owned it? HoltonWiseTV wants you to see the worst of the worst when it comes to investing in Section 8 housing so you know what challenges you will face as a Section 8 property owner. When you purchase Section 8 properties the things you see on HoltonWiseTV will be part of your life. From live evictions caught on tape, to Section 8 tenants abandoning their pets, to jobless renters causing eviction day drama on a regular basis, you'll see it all here on HoltonWiseTV. HoltonWise is the premium real estate investment brokerage and property management team for turning distress into success. In short, when investing in Section 8 housing with HoltonWise, we help put dollars in your pocket. HoltonWise specializes in managing Section 8 housing, Section 8 home flips, flipping houses, investment brokerage services, short term rentals, long term buy and holds, renovating distressed houses and helping tired landlords liquify investments and assets they no long want to own. HoltonWise is real estate investing made easy.
If you are looking to generate passive income through real estate investing, then you have found one of the most lucrative investment strategies you can utilize in Section 8 real estate investing with HoltonWise. When you look on social media and any other online platform, Section 8 investing is what people often say was their key to becoming wealthy. The hard truths people don't always know about when it comes to Section 8 rental properties are the hardships Section 8 investors may face when they are buying Section 8 houses. This is especially true when they are first getting started as a Section 8 landlord. You can make a lot a money investing in low income housing, but you can also lose a lot of money as dealing with bad tenants who have Section 8 vouchers. HoltonWise is here to give you the key to success when it comes to earning money through Section 8 housing investments. HoltonWise have been through every tenant sob story in the book and as a matter of fact, we present that book to you via The Tenants From Hell Show. In the 112th episode of the Tenants From Hell Show the HoltonWiseTV team takes you through a hand full of our craziest real estate occurrences we see when dealing with our portfolio of Section 8 rentals. This episode includes tenants yelling, rental destruction, dilapidated buildings, exploring condemned properties, poop in properties, gross images, and more unthinkable Section 8 footage of evictions caught on tape. While HoltonWise manages the largest investment portfolio of its kind in the greater Cleveland area, the majority of the brutal video content you see in this video came from properties owned by distressed landlords who came to HoltonWise for help. HoltonWise takes these mismanaged investments and repositions them for investors giving them the tools and education they need to turn these decaying properties into income generating assets. Watch this entire episode of The Tenants From Hell Show if you want to see the worst pain points an investor can overcome when investing in Section 8 homes. If after watching, you think you are still up for the challenge presented to you by Section 8 renters, reach out to HoltonWise as we are the Section 8 experts in the Cleveland real estate market, one of the hottest Section 8 markets in the USA. HoltonWise can handle any problem a tenant may throw at you to ensure that your income and portfolio is growing for generations to come.
The Cleveland real estate market has made a lot of Section 8 landlords very rich. However, investing in Section 8 housing that can be purchased for pennies on the dollar is not as easy as it seems. In reality, Section 8 rental property investing involves buying properties in dangerous neighborhoods, evicting tenants, removing squatters, fixing up destroyed buildings, cleaning up vandalism, dealing with criminals, drug addicts and prostitutes. If you are interested in Section 8 real estate investing, you'll love what we've got for you on the 111th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show. John Holton and James Wise, the founders of HoltonWise, one of the largest Section 8 real estate investment companies in the Cleveland area, bring viewers into the streets of Cleveland, Ohio where you'll see some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America while hearing stories about investing in low income properties. From angry neighbors destroying their houses to evicting a group of tenants who set up a prostitution ring in one of their apartment buildings in Cleveland, Ohio, this episode of Tenants From Hell Show is packed with a lot of insight into how to succeed in Section 8 investing while understanding how difficult building a Section 8 tenant empire really is. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more Section 8 property management tips & tricks along with information on how you can become successful investing in real estate.
Do you have what it takes to be a Section 8 landlord in the ghetto? A lot of people think investing in Section 8 housing is a quick and easy way to make millions of dollars. While it's true that Section 8 investors can, and do, make millions of dollars, it's not guaranteed that every Section 8 property owner will become the next Section 8 millionaire. Being successful with Section 8 doesn't happen with everyone who buys a Section 8 house. Managing tenants who have Section 8 vouchers is a very hard way to make money. From evicting bad tenants, to tenants destroying your house, to removing squatters, to junkies leaving needles all over your property, to endless poverty, to drug addiction, to collecting rent in dangerous neighborhoods filled with criminals the list if difficult jobs involved in managing affordable housing is endless. In the 110th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, HoltonWise CEO and Section 8 property management expert James Wise explains how to be successful investing in section 8 housing. From rescued out 100's of tired landlords who are in over their head with their low income rental properties, to dealing with countless takeover evictions, to fixing up endless ghetto properties trashed by bad renters, HoltonWise has done it all in the Section 8 real estate business. Being the manager of a Cleveland real estate portfolio worth an estimated $75 million dollars HoltonWise has a proven track record of success managing low income renters. HoltonWise has the systems in place to help you learn how to get started in Section 8 housing. From live evictions caught on tape, to teaching you how to screen Section 8 tenants, to overcoming the stresses of being a landlord dealing with bad evictions, HoltonWise has a little something for everyone here on HoltonWiseTV. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today.
These days it seems like liberals think everything is racist. Maybe libs don't think everything is racist but it sure seems like anytime a liberal sees something they don't like, it's automatically called racist. One thing that liberals really don't like is landlords. Landlords are often the target of hate from liberals and the left wing media. Nobody gets bagged on harder by the left than landlords. Landlords are called everything from scumbags to crooks to racist thieves who need to get a real job. One of those landlords who is often target by the constant anti landlord campaigns filled with false and misleading rhetoric, is James Wise. Several years ago, James Wise was sick and tired of all of the falsehoods being told about landlords so he created the Tenants From Hell Show to provide landlords with a voice of truth in a world filled with anti landlord media outlets and a cancel rent mentality. In 2018 the 8th and most popular episode of The Tenants From Hell Show was produced. That episode featured a live eviction caught on tape. The thing about this eviction caught on camera that was ironic to James Wise and other landlords out there, was that the tenant who was being evicted drove a Cadillac Escalade, despite not paying her rent for over 7 months. With over 1.3 million views, and an appearance on Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, that episode of The Tenants From Hell Show reached an incredibly wide and diverse audience. Despite James Wise and the evicted tenant caught on camera both being white people, 100's and 100's of comments accusing James Wise of being a racist landlord followed. In the 109th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, millionaire Section 8 landlord and real estate investor James Wise attempts to answer, or at least open up an intelligent discussion about the following questions. How does evicting a tenant make their landlord racist? Are evictions racist? Are landlords racist? Does being a landlord make you racist? Why do people on the left feel like it's appropriate to label everything as racist? Why do people on the left feel like it's appropriate to label everyone as racist? Why does the woke media hate landlords? Why do people vilify landlords when landlords are more often than not the victim on eviction day? Why does cancel rent culture exist? Will the cancel rent culture ever go away? Is the left wing media hiding what evictions really look like from the general public? Do people have the wrong idea about what it is that landlords do during an eviction proceeding? Is evicting someone an act of racism?
Gotta pay your rent dude. If you don't pay the rent, the landlord is going to haul you away. Tune in to the 108th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show for a compilation of some ghetto evictions caught on camera, trashed houses, destroyed rental properties, and some very angry Section 8 tenants caught on camera causing a ruckus in the HoltonWise property management office. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more information on managing Section 8 rental properties and evicting nightmare tenants. HoltonWiseTV is Section 8 investing made easy.
Do you ever wonder what it's like to be a Section 8 landlord? Do you ever wonder what it's like to invest in the ghetto? Do you ever search for cheap housing online and think to yourself how easy it would be for you to buy 100's of cheap houses in places like Cleveland, Ohio or Detroit, Michigan for pennies on the dollar? Surely all you need to do is buy a bunch of affordable housing and then hire a Section 8 property manager and the millions of dollars of rental property cash flow will start rolling in, right? Wrong. It's true that you can become rich buying Section 8 houses in the ghetto. It's true that you can become a millionaire buying Section 8 houses in the ghetto. It's true that you can earns tons of passive income from Section 8 rent checks in the hood. But, what you need to understand is there is nothing easy about managing Section 8 tenants. There is nothing easy about being a Section 8 property manager. There is nothing easy about evicting people in the hood. There is nothing easy about managing tenants with drug addictions. There is nothing easy about managing tenants who are involved in crime. There is nothing easy about buying houses in areas where junkies are running around like maniacs. There is nothing easy about dealing with squatters. There is nothing easy about having to collect rent from people who are spending all of their money on drugs. Section 8 real estate investing is one of the toughest jobs in the world. If you would like to start a Section 8 property management business you need to see what running a Section 8 business is really like. In the 107th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, you'll hear from a Section 8 property manager who has dealt with 1,000's of Section 8 tenants. You'll see what it's really like working with Section 8 properties in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the USA. The HoltonWiseTV team is committed to showing potential Section 8 property owners like you what it's really like to be a property manager blighted areas of America. HoltonWise runs a huge Section 8 rental property investment company in the Cleveland, Ohio area that deals with 1,000's of Section 8 tenants every year. From live evictions caught on camera, to tenants fighting each other, to tenants not paying their rent, to tenants crashing their cars into landlord's houses, you'll see a never ending supply of Section 8 drama on HoltonWiseTV. Do you think you have what it takes to become the next millionaire through Section 8 real estate? We'll see. HoltonWise is Section 8 consulting made easy, or at least as easy as something as difficult as dealing with Section 8 can ever be.
If you don't pay your rent, your landlord is going to evict you. The thing about evicting people is, it's a dangerous job evicting tenants. Unsurprisingly, most renters don't like it when you kick them out of their house. If you are new to real estate investing you may not be aware of how dangerous being a landlord really is. Here on HoltonWiseTV we provide new landlords and property managers with an uncensored look at the property management business and just how difficult it can be, especially when the properties are lived in by tenants with Section 8 vouchers. At HoltonWise employee safety is our number one priority so almost all HoltonWise staff members are armed with firearms when they are working in the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. In the 106th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, you'll see a compilation of eviction footage along with other candid content from a typical day in the life of a property manager who manages thousands of Section 8 renters. Subscribe to HoltonWiseTV for more evictions caught on camera, property management tips for landlords, Section 8 consulting, real estate investment opportunities and much more. HoltonWiseTV is property management made easy.
The only thing worse than a bad tenant, is a bad tenant with a gun. In the 105th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, Cleveland landlord James Wise is discussing the alleged details of a recent tenant involved drive by shooting in a Cleveland, Ohio suburb called Parma, Ohio. James Wise explains the alleged details of the case, the most peculiar detail being that the tenant who did the drive by shooting did so by shooting at his own house because he wanted to kill his neighbor who lived in neighboring unit of their shared duplex. Tune in to HoltonWiseTV for more stories about terrible renters as well as a real life look at the property management and real estate investment industry including, but not limited to, Section 8 real estate investing tips & tricks, live evictions caught on tape, Section 8 property breakdowns, tenant screening tips and much more.
When you're involved in Section 8 housing investment as a full time job, you're going to see a lot of pretty wild stuff. Evicting renters for not paying rent, evicting renters for selling drugs, removing squatters, dealing with bad renters, handling renters from hell, fixing up properties damaged by bad renters, it's all part of the landlord's daily routine. In the 104th episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is presenting a compilation of footage collected during a normal day in the life of a property manager that manages a portfolio of 1,000's of Section 8 rentals. From live evictions caught on tape, to rental properties that have been completely destroyed by tenants, to tenants belongings being placed on the street on eviction day, to squatters being evicted, to people selling Hennessy from a road side stand in the same way you'd expect to see kids operating a roadside lemonade stand, you'll see it all here on HoltonWiseTV. If after watching all of the Section 8 chaos you are interested in investing in Section 8 housing, you're going to want to reach out to HoltonWise today as you're going to need to hire a property management company that specializes in Section 8 rental property management. Nobody knows more about dealing with Section 8 tenants than HoltonWise. HoltonWise is one of the top Section 8 consulting & investing companies in the USA. HoltonWise is managing Section 8 property made easy.
Learning how anyone can get rich investing in real estate is easy, they said. Real estate is the easiest way to get rich, they said. Just buy cheap houses and fix them up and you'll make a lot of money, they said. Buy Section 8 housing because it's cheap, they said. Section 8 landlords don't have to do any work other than collect rent checks, they said. Being a Section 8 landlord is the easiest job there is, they said. Anyone can be a Section 8 landlord, they said. If you've heard any of these Section 8 myths before, we've got bad news for you, you've been fed incorrect information. Making money when hardcore poverty is involved is never easy. Making money when hardcore poverty is involved is never simple. Making money when hardcore poverty is involved typically very dangerous. Is buying Section 8 housing risky? You bet buying Section 8 housing is risky. Is buying Section 8 housing worth it? It can be. The reality is, Section 8 housing can make you a lot of money but Section 8 housing is one of the most difficult ways to make money. Managing Section 8 tenants is a very difficult and often dangerous job that involves evicting tenants, non stop eviction day drama, never ending property damage and much more. Here on HoltonWiseTV we bring all of that to you so you understand what Section 8 housing investments really look like. From live evictions caught on tape, to the aftermath of squatters being evicted, to Section 8 property managers going through trashed houses in the ghetto, you'll see all of it here on The Tenants From Hell Show on HoltonWiseTV. In the 103rd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show you're seeing a compilation of footage shot during a normal day in the life of a Section 8 property manager in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods the Cleveland real estate market. If after watching this footage you think you have what it takes to become the next Section 8 millionaire you may want to reach out to HoltonWise about investing in Section 8 properties in the Cleveland area. HoltonWise runs a huge Section 8 property management company in the Cleveland, Ohio area that can help you invest in Section 8 rental properties. By partnering with HoltonWise to run your Section 8 portfolio you ensure that your Section 8 investments are under the care of Section 8 professionals who've deal with all of the chaos that Section 8 investing has to offer. Contact HoltonWise for Section 8 consulting services today.
Being a landlord is easy, they said. Landlords just collect rent, they said. Landlords are greedy, they said. Landlords are evil, they said. Landlords are parasites, they said. Landlords are bastards, they said. Landlords are the worst, they said. Landlords take advantage of those living in affordable housing, they said. Landlords don't contribute to society, they said. Tenants with Section 8 vouchers will never get evicted, they said. Landlords who rent to Section 8 tenants never have to evict people, they said. In reality, there are a lot of misconceptions about the property management business and what it is that landlords and property managers actually do to collect the rent and keep the rental portfolio producing income. In particular, the misconceptions seem to grow when it comes to renters with Section 8 vouchers living in affordable housing. The truth of that matter is much different than what the liberal media would have you believe about managing renters living in affordable housing. In the 102nd episode of The Tenants From Hell Show, the HoltonWiseTV team is pulling back the curtain on what a day in the life of a property manager working in low income neighbors really looks like. From evictions caught on tape, to evictions turning deadly, you'll see it all here on HoltonWiseTV. Whether you are managing an apartment complex in the ghetto, or a portfolio of single family houses in the ghetto, it's going to be tough. You are going to be evicting people. HoltonWiseTV regularly features live footage of evictions caught on camera. Evicting squatters from your properties is going to be a big part of your life should you become an affordable housing investor. You are going to be dealing with tenants who trash your houses. You are going to be dealing with property damage that is beyond your comprehension. Your day will be dangerous. Your day will be filled with horrible renters, drug abuse, crime, non payment of rent, eviction day drama and a ton of other nonsense that most real estate podcasts don't tell you about. Here on HoltonWiseTV we are committed to giving you the whole picture when it comes to investing in Section 8 housing. Buying Section 8 rental property can make you a lot of money, In fact, investing in Section 8 housing has made HoltonWise millions of dollars, but it's not always an easy job dealing with Section 8 tenants. To learn how to succeed in Section 8 investing you will need to need to learn about the good, bad and ugly that comes with managing a Section 8 empire, so subscribe to HoltonWiseTV today. HoltonWiseTV is Section 8 property management exposed.
Section 8 real estate investing in not easy. In fact, investing in Section 8 housing can be down right brutal. Managing Section 8 rental property takes a special kind of landlord. Dealing with Section 8 tenants takes a property management company that specializes in Section 8 property management as managing Section 8 renters is much different than other types of real estate investing. From Section 8 evictions caught on tape, to renters from hell montages, HoltonWiseTV is committed to bringing the real like experiences of Section 8 property management companies to the forefront of real estate investment conversations. In the 101st episode of The Tenants From Hell Show you'll see just how bad Section 8 renters can be. You'd think holding a Section 8 voucher and getting free housing would make someone happy, not the case. You'd think receiving free rent from the government would eliminate a Section 8 landlord's need to evict their tenants, not the case. In this episode of The Tenants from Hell Show, you'll see what seems like an endless stream of threats, harassments and Section 8 evictions caught on tape. Section 8 tenants destroying property, Section 8 tenants getting evicted, Section 8 tenants threatening to sue HoltonWise, Section 8 tenants acting like animals, Section 8 tenants doing drugs, it's all here for you to see. If after watching just how bad Section 8 tenants can be, you still feel like you've got what it takes to become a Section 8 millionaire reach out to HoltonWise today. HoltonWise is a no nonsense Section 8 investment firm that runs one of the largest Section 8 investment companies in the Cleveland, Ohio real estate market. With experience managing 1,000's of Section 8 units, HoltonWise is here to help you achieve your goals when it comes to investing in Section 8 housing. HoltonWise offers Section 8 consulting, Section 8 property management, Section 8 rental property insurance, Section 8 acquisition services and much more. HoltonWise is buying Section 8 housing made easy.